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NetVar Dumper

NetVar Dumper

It's old NetVar dumper for source engine games
20. Mar 2014
fakeguid v2 dedicated to pbbans

fakeguid v2 dedicated to pbbans

The sourcecode for the injector used here can you find in the "nxhacks" package - if you can find it somewhere. Well it all works only because the code doing the handshake of CoD4 server has a exploitable bug. So it won't work anymore as soon as this bug has been fixed on serverside. And there won't
18. Mar 2014
Basic Triggerbot Solution

Basic Triggerbot Solution

Full solution and source code for a basic external CS:GO triggerbot I did include the binary in the Release folder but it's probably VAC detected. Not my fault if you get yourself banned using this, it's merely just an example to learn with. I first made this hack following Fleep's tutorial, but I branched
18. Mar 2014
ProcessProtector Src v1.0

ProcessProtector Src v1.0

This application will guard itself from being accessed by the OpenProcess API using the CE driver. It is written in a form that makes it easy to be bundled with external hacks. The EPROCESS structures were extracted from the MS debug symbols using a pdb ripper and wrapped in their own namespace so they
12. Mar 2014