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Go to first new post [Release] Cerraosso v3.1 (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page) Posted on: Mon 25. Jul 2016, 20:21


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DETECTED, Don't use or you WILL be banned
Battlefield 4

Sun 7. Jan 2018, 02:39

by Spryzzt Go to last post
127 42467

Go to first new post [Release] Cerraosso v3.1 (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page) Posted on: Mon 25. Jul 2016, 20:21


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Quote from Kicha post
Quote from bruhh1234 post
DETECTED, Don't use or you WILL be banned
Well, it is NOT detected if you know how to handle such things and how does EA ineffective systems work.
BUT this software is packed with unneeded (by most of users) items. Me personally I would just stick to those 2D/3D boxes surrounding enemies and their skeletons. Nothing more. I do not need an aimbot or ley lines etc etc. Besides it seems that Aimbot is broken - all it does is "gluing" your barrel to the target even tough missing completely, "unlock all" doesn't do anything etc etc.
But beware - using this mod/software causes instability in some servers and also occupies your socket at the server so you may be kicked from the server for too high latency.
So - how to turn off unneeded options?
Only used wallhack and thats it, got banned almost instantly. DETECTED
Battlefield 4

Sun 7. Jan 2018, 02:39

by Spryzzt Go to last post
127 42467

Go to first new post [Release] Cerraosso v3.1 (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page) Posted on: Mon 25. Jul 2016, 20:21


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Quote from Kicha post
Quote from bruhh1234 post
Quote from Kicha post
Quote from bruhh1234 post
DETECTED, Don't use or you WILL be banned
Well, it is NOT detected if you know how to handle such things and how does EA ineffective systems work.
BUT this software is packed with unneeded (by most of users) items. Me personally I would just stick to those 2D/3D boxes surrounding enemies and their skeletons. Nothing more. I do not need an aimbot or ley lines etc etc. Besides it seems that Aimbot is broken - all it does is "gluing" your barrel to the target even tough missing completely, "unlock all" doesn't do anything etc etc.
But beware - using this mod/software causes instability in some servers and also occupies your socket at the server so you may be kicked from the server for too high latency.
So - how to turn off unneeded options?
Only used wallhack and thats it, got banned almost instantly. DETECTED
And that's why - if you defy a game physics/mechanics it will be detected ASAP. You get detected if you are clumsy with it
i know, thats why i only used the 2d box things. still got detected. didnt use anything else
Battlefield 4

Sun 7. Jan 2018, 02:39

by Spryzzt Go to last post
127 42467
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