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CsGo Multihack v2.0

icon Thread: [Release] CsGo Multihack v2.0

Join Date: Aug 2007

Posts: 1959

Kategorie: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Entwickler: zniv

Use at your own risk! Do not use this hack to obvious or you'll get overwatch banned!

-Box ESP
-Bone ESP
-Health ESP
-Name ESP (if name is not clearly readable turn of antialiasing under system preferences, will be fixed next update)
-Distance ESP
-Ghost ESP
-Kill Sounds
-Meme ESP (you can load your own meme, just name it frog.jpg and put it in the folder
-Aim-assist (Head, Shoulder, Pelvis USE WITH CAUTION! THIS USES SMOOTHED SETCURSORPOSITION TO AIM!(doesn't seem to work for some, will add a new aimbot using angles next update))
To update the hack put the new offsets inside of Offsets.txt


CsGo Multihack v2.0