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Part of the menu disappears...

icon Thread: Part of the menu disappears...

Join Date: May 2014

Posts: 9

Like title says, when game start everything is ok until i move my mouse to some game buttons ( like open inventory ) or other parts of GUI.

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Lib version: latest from svn
Game(x86) directX version: 9
Game engine: Unreal
System: Win 7 professional x64
Hooked functions(proxy dll): EndScene, Constructor
TEXT Code:
  1. HRESULT myIDirect3DDevice9::EndScene(void)
  2. {
  3. OSHGui::Application::Instance()->GetRenderer()->Begin();
  4. OSHGui::Application::Instance()->GetRenderer()->SetRenderRectangle(OSHGui::Drawing::Rectangle(0, 0, 700, 700));
  5. OSHGui::Application::Instance()->Render();
  6. OSHGui::Application::Instance()->GetRenderer()->End();
  7. return(m_pIDirect3DDevice9->EndScene());
  8. }
TEXT Code:
  1. OSHGui::Application::Instance()->Create(new OSHGui::Drawing::RendererDX9(pOriginal));
  2. OSHGui::Application::Instance()->Run(std::shared_ptr<OSHGui::Form>(new MainForm()));
  3. OSHGui::Application::Instance()->SetCursorEnabled(false);
  4. OSHGui::Application::Instance()->Enable();

Problem 2:
Game sometimes destroys whole DirectX device and creates it again. As i can see there isn't any metod to "recreate" whole menu, can you add it?