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Go to first new post [Release] Toggle Mic Script Posted on: Sun 3. May 2015, 21:00


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Kategorie: Counter-Strike: Source
Entwickler: badhacker21

I know, it isn't really a hack, but it is better than having to hold X whenever you want to talk to people, with this, just Press X once to turn it on, and Press X again to turn it off. I like it, and it is not counted as cheating, so you cant get banned from anything, and you DEFINITELY cant get VAC Banned.

Toggle Mic Script
Counter-Strike: Source

Thu 7. Jan 2016, 01:26

by maltesaa Go to last post
1 1807
Toggle Mic Script

Toggle Mic Script

I know, it isn't really a hack, but it is better than having to hold X whenever you want to talk to people, with this, just Press X once to turn it on, and Press X again to turn it off. I like it, and it is not counted as cheating, so you cant get banned from anything, and you DEFINITELY cant get VAC
3. May 2015