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Go to first new post [Release] Payday 2 MVP v1.0 (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page) Posted on: Fri 22. Aug 2014, 16:52


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Kategorie: Payday 2
Entwickler: Sirgoodsmoke

v3.2 ----> v3.3
- Update To Address Crashes And Bugs And Some Minor Improvements With Some Additions
- Added All Loot
- Added Grenade Changer To F2 Changer Menu
- Added Level Check For Spawn Air Vehicle
- Added Numpad 0 to Spawn Options
- Added Random Loot Spawn Option For Numpad Spawns (Found In Config)
- Fixed Bullet Explode Not Turning Off
- Fixed Bullet Fire Crash
- Fixed Carry Stacker
- Fixed Dirty Money Drop
- Fixed Drop In Pause Removal
- Fixed Grenade Spawn, Added Random_Projectile Options Which Spawns Random Projectiles
- Fixed Instant Interact Having Some Issues
- Fixed interact look around conflict with interact toggle
- Fixed NUM0 Spawn Issues
- Fixed Persistent God Mode
- Fixed Rain Bags
- Fixed Saw Infinite Ammo
- Fixed Spawn Modes being persistent after restart
- Fixed Toggle Interact Not Working in some places
- Fixed X-Ray Causing Crash in Santas Workshop and Goat Simulator
- Improved Open Vault Door To Open More Vaults That Wouldn't Open Previously
- Minor Fix for Interaction Cooldown
- Updated Achievments
- Updated Force Skill, Now Includes Perk Skills (Thanks Sud0), Force Skill Now Uses A Config For Easy Edit Called 'SkillConfig' in UserConfig Folder
- Updated Job Menu
- Updated Locator
- Updated Pick Up All Bags To Include Safes
- Updated Secure Body Bags
- Updated Vehicle Spawn
- Vastly Improved The Notification System For Spawning Bags
- Lots More Fixes That Are Not Worthy Of Being Listed


Payday MVP 3.3
Payday 2

Sat 16. Jun 2018, 13:47

by Binary11 Go to last post
286 176872

Go to first new post [Release] Payday 2 MVP v1.0 (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page) Posted on: Fri 22. Aug 2014, 16:52


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OK so I am going to answer some of your questions.

penisimarsch - How can i get all skills?
Answer = You can either get all the skills by
1.When you launch the game press F10 to bring up the menu, then Goto skills and perks and click unlock all skill. Easy
2. Go into the Config_(UnknownCheats).lua and edit on line (Line number 106 if you have Notepad++) Force_Skills = true, then MAKE SURE that you have no skills active as this activates all the skills when in game.

e12345 - well, crashing when clear the heist
Answer = Well I can't really give you a exact answer but it could be one of these things. (i have encountered some of them.)
1. Spawning in loot that does not belong on the map/mission will crash the game. ( DO NOT SPAWN GOATS will 99% crash )
2. Spawning in too many items can overload your game and crash.
3. activating a certain cheat whilst in a mission might crash your game.
4.If you have edited XP multiplier, No job heat and small loot multiplier, try turning them off to see what happens or lowering them if you made them to high in numbers.

logan211212 - how to autoloot drill??
Answer = Autoloot is already active when you go into any game as host, auto drill is in the F1 menu in the middle section. your question was kinda hard to interpret.

Lukas2712 - Can somebody explain how the DLC unlocker works?
Answer = DLC unlocker works as it means, It will unlock all the DLC as overkill just release the DLC in the updates (Hence why they are so large), But When you use the DLC unlocker it will mark you as a cheater for the reason that you do not own the DLC, when you buy the DLC you are pretty much just buying a piece of code that enables the DLC in game but the DLC unlocker bypasses the code but its not a authentic one, So in short If you activate DLC unlocker and use dlc items you get marked as a cheater and get kicked from games that you join.

friskysheep - https://www.oldschoolhack.me/forumdata/avatar/mini/noavatar.jpg Almirs_Toast, Artifact, The_Beast, Bomb_Part_1, Bomb_Part_2, Body_Bag, Coke, Coke_Pure, Diamond, Evidence, Gold, Jewelry, Meth, Money, Museum_Artifact, Museum_Painting, 
Painting, Samurai_Armor, FBI_Server, Thermal_Drill, Tool, Turret, Turret_Ammo, War_Head

copy and past txt to replace old one in config.
go to mvp, userconfig,config_(unknowncheats) needs to look like this.

Almirs_Toast, Artifact, The_Beast, Bomb_Part_1, Bomb_Part_2, Body_Bag, Coke, Coke_Pure, Diamond, Evidence, Gold, Jewelry, Meth, Money, Museum_Artifact, Museum_Painting, 
Painting, Samurai_Armor, FBI_Server, Thermal_Drill, Tool, Turret, Turret_Ammo, War_Head
MY ANSWER = You have just copy and pasted the same from the text file there was no point in doing that. even with your so called edited version... its still the same in the file.

Iamnotapussy - could someone help me pls? i downloaded it and put everything in the payday2 folder but it doesnt work
deutsche erklärung wäre gut
Answer = (Used google translate sorry if anything's misspelled)
So setzen Sie alle Dateien in den Zahltag 2 Ordner, wenn Sie die Dateien löschen sie erneut herunterladen und versuchen Sie es erneut, auch wenn Sie die Mod sein wollte nativer mit Deutsch Ich glaube, Sie zu Siri Gut Rauch darüber reden müßte wie er / sie die Haupt Schöpfer dieser mod ist, führen sie eine der Versionen vor diesem arbeiten?

Sunbow1133 - Wie installiere ich das? wenn ich das downloade kommt nur eine TXT Datei ...
Answer = (Used google translate sorry if anything's misspelled)
Was Sie tun, ist, dass Sie einfach den Zip-Ordner herunterladen, dann entpacken Sie die Elemente, die den Zahltag 2 Verzeichnisdatei heruntergeladen haben, in, einfach mit der rechten Zahltag klicken 2 auf Steam dann Eigenschaften wählen, lokale Dateien, durchsuchen Lokale Dateien und das ist, wo Sie alle setzen die Sachen aus der Zip-Datei.

There you go people I have answered your questions from since I put this up Hope this helps you's and Rate it positive if it was helpful.
Payday 2

Sat 16. Jun 2018, 13:47

by Binary11 Go to last post
286 176872

Go to first new post [Release] Payday 2 MVP v1.0 (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page) Posted on: Fri 22. Aug 2014, 16:52


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Kategorie: Payday 2
Entwickler: Sirgoodsmoke

This is just MVP 3.3 but instead. I have tweaked the files so they include the new heist missions ( classic heist and jimmy heist ) and now the game doesn't crash when you load it up from the new update.


Payday MVP 3.4 (unoffical)
Payday 2

Sat 16. Jun 2018, 13:47

by Binary11 Go to last post
286 176872

Go to first new post [Release] A Slappy's skin unlocker (Multi-page thread 1 2) Posted on: Sat 14. Nov 2015, 11:41


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Okay Figured out out to do it.
Extract the files that are in the BLT.Zip folder into the Payday 2 Directory e.g. ( C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\PAYDAY 2)
Once you have done that Move the Folder A_Slappy BLT Skin Unlock (The whole Folder) into the mods folder that you have put into the Payday 2 Directory.  Looks like this = ( C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\PAYDAY 2\mods\A_Slappy BLT Skin Unlock ).
Once the folder is inside the mods folder all the skins will unlock.
If this doesn't help wait for the tutorial for the maker.
If you have other mods. they won't work with it. If you take replace IPHLPAPI.dll and use a different mod, this mod won't work, so it is either this mod or other mods until it works with others.... There are options for that in this mod but couldn't get MVP working with it as both of them use a different IPHLPAPI.dll.
Think1n Out.......
Payday 2

Sun 31. Jan 2016, 17:24

by vjpp Go to last post
21 15718