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xFuckHook v1

icon Thread: [Release] xFuckHook v1

Join Date: Aug 2007

Posts: 8646


199 positive
33 negative
Kategorie: Battlefield 3
Entwickler: lolwurst

This is a modified version of the lolwurst's xFuckHook v1 hack for battlefield 3.
I deleted the crosshair in the middle of the screen and the text in the upper left corner.
I did this because, if punkbuster makes a screenshot of your screen, they will instantly know you are using a hack.
If you only use the aimbot in my version, you'll have smaller chance of being detected. (if you're not using any drawing functions (f2,f3 and f4)).

Another thing I modified is the aimbot key, I have 3 dll's;
one: right mouse button = aimkey
two: control = aimkey
three: left shift = aimkey
all have no crosshair or drawings that are always on.

PunkBuster: Undetected
PBSS: No PBSS bypass!.


*- Bone Aimbot ( Head Only )
*- NoRecoil / NoSpread
*- InstaBullet / NoDamage Drop
*- Box ESP
*- Head ESP
*- Name ESP
*- Distance ESP
*- Visible ESP

How to Use:

1. Start Battlefield and join a Server.
2. As soon as you get to the class selection Screen, TAB out of the game
3. Run your favourite injector ( e.g Winject ) with the DLL provided.
4. Inject the DLL to the game and close the injector.
5. Go Back to the game and press the Hotkeys.
6. Make some BF3 Players cry.


[BF3] xFuckHook v1 Mod

