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[MW3] Server Addons [Update 08.02.2012]

icon Thread: [MW3] Server Addons [Update 08.02.2012]

Join Date: Mar 2010

Posts: 220

Hey Leute,
hier werden ausschließlich Plugins für MW3 Server gepostet.

What can you do with this plugin:
- Clients can set clientdvars
- Safe and autoload the dvars when joining the server again
- No ammo warning
- No red crosshair
- FilmTweak Presets
- No ViewBob

Current version:

@"Nukem"'s dedicated server addon V1.206+

sv_config.ini entries:
This plugin is using the section called DVARS with these variables:
If this is set to 1, the other options won't work. It will use the default variables. If you set it to 0, players will be notified. For league you must set to 1! (default 1)
Force clientdvars when client connects (default none)
Forbid clients changing dvars (default none)
Set to 0 if you don't want people to set their maxFPS to 0 (default 0)
Enable throwback of grenades and pickup throwing knife (default 0)
Enable using sentires (Example: Bakaara chopper) (default 0)

TEXT Code:
  1. [DVARS]
  2. CompetitiveMod=0
  3. forceClientDvars=cg_fov "80",cg_fovscale "1.125"
  4. forbiddenClientDvars=r_fog,r_detail
  5. AllowFPSUnlock=1
  6. ThrowbackEnabled=1
  7. SentryEnabled=0
You need to use the same format as in my example.

Enable saving of clientdvars:
If you want to save the dvars a client sets you need to create a folder called "dvar" in the folder addon (addon\dvar). For each client there will be a xml file (named with client's xuid) and when he connects again it will load the variables he set. If the folder does not exist, dvars won't save.

Available commands:
TEXT Code:
  1. !ragdoll //Enable/disable ragdoll
  2. !cg_brass //Enable/disable shell ejection
  3. !snaps
  4. !r_distortion //Enable/disable distortion from weapons, explosions etc
  5. !cl_packetdup //Packet duplicates
  6. !pingtext //cg_scoreboardPingText
  7. !maxfps //com_maxfps
  8. !r_fog //Enable/disable fog
  9. !fov //Change FoV
  10. !wayPointSize //Size of WayPoints like [A] [B] [BOMB] etc.
  11. !compassObjectiveSize //Size of WayPoints on compass
  12. !removeConfig //Delete your saved config
  13. !load //Manually load saved dvars
  14. !help //Display all available commands
  15. -------------------------------------------
  16. !dynEnt_Active //Enable/disable dynamic environment (shoot computer etc.)
  17. !fx_drawClouds //Enable/disable weather (snow, rain, etc.)
  18. !corpseCount //Number of AI corpses
  19. !fastSkin //cache skin
  20. !r_detail //draw weapon skin, car skin etc.
  21. !dlightlimit //r_dlightlimit
  23. !ftweakEnable //Enable/disable FilmTweak
  24. !ftweakDesaturation
  25. !ftweakLightTint
  26. !ftweakDarkTint
  27. !ftweakContrast
  28. !ftweakBrightness
  29. -------------------------------------------
  30. !promod //see changelog v1.2 to see what it does
  31. -------------------------------------------
  32. !resetpromod //resets the commands set by !promod
  33. !clientsideeffects //Enable/disable loading of _fx files (ambient sound, map smoke etc.) needs fast_restart after setting (!)
  34. !r_normalmap //Change between Flat/default (Flat has less details)
  35. -------------------------------------------
  36. !ftweakPreset alias !filmtweak alias !ftweak alias !ft //Choose between 6 filmtweak presets (see pictures)
  37. !scoreboardItemHeight //change item height in scoreboard

The plugin should load the dvars when the player connects but some dvars (like cg_fovscale) reset when player joins team. So you either need to type the dvars again or use !load to load all dvars again.

Note: maxfps can only be set up to 100. But since we can set it to 0 you can go over 100. There is an option to forbid players chaning fps to 0 though.
Also if you want no fx (smoke in bakara, rain, ambient sound etc.) you will have to do fast_restart after setting !clientsideeffects to 0!

[spoiler="After using commands:"]

[spoiler="No smoke in bakaara:"]


[spoiler="FilmtweakPreset 0 (original):"]

[spoiler="FilmtweakPreset 1:"]

[spoiler="FilmtweakPreset 2:"]

[spoiler="FilmtweakPreset 3:"]

[spoiler="FilmtweakPreset 4:"]

[spoiler="FilmtweakPreset 5:"]

How to use:
Download the MW3_ProMod.zip file from attachement and put the MW3_ProMod.dll in your plugins folder. I recommend to use the sv_config.ini I added in the zip.

v1.0: Initial release

- Renamed plugin to ProMod Plugin
- Fixed and optimized code

TEXT Code:
  1. !dynEnt_Active
  2. !fx_drawClouds
  3. !corpseCount
  4. !fastSkin
  5. !r_detail
  6. !dlightlimit
  7. !ftweakEnable
  8. !ftweakDesaturation
  9. !ftweakLightTint
  10. !ftweakDarkTint
  11. !ftweakContrast
  12. !ftweakBrightness
- Added sv_config option "AllowFPSUnlock" see above for explanation

- Disabled "No Ammo" text
- Disabled Grenade Throwback
- Fixed FOV changing on round start

Sets the following dvars:
TEXT Code:
  2. cg_fov 80
  3. cl_maxpackets 100
  4. r_fog 0
  5. fx_drawclouds 0
  6. r_distortion 0
  7. r_dlightlimit 0
  8. cg_brass 0
  9. snaps 30
  10. com_maxfps 100
  11. cg_scoreboardpingtext 1
  12. waypointIconWidth 13
  13. waypointIconHeight 13
  14. r_filmUseTweaks 1
  15. r_FilmTweakEnable 1
  16. r_filmTweakBrightness 0.2

- Most code rewritten
- Optimized and fixed
- Added command !resetpromod
- Added command !clientsideeffects

- Added sort of security for forceClientDvars
- Added option ThrowbackEnabled (see sv_config.ini entries)
- Added FilmTweakPresets 1-5 (see pictures)
- Added command !scoreboardItemHeight
- Disabled ViewBob
- Added option to enable sentries (Ex. Bakaara chopper)
- Removed red crosshair
- Changed team color (scoreboard, killfeed, chat) (see pictures)

- Teamnames changed to Attack/Defense
- Added option CompetitiveMod
- Added aliases for !ftweakpreset (!filmtweak, !ftweak, !ft)
- Disabled enemy crosshairnames
- Added new filmtweakpreset 6
- Removed !cl_maxpackets (forced to 100)

If you want me to add more dvars please give suggestions. But not all dvars work, some are cheat protected.

Thanks zxz..

And thanks very much to @ninjadx and @makavel for beta testing!!


