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3xi v1.1

icon Thread: [Release] 3xi v1.1

Join Date: Aug 2007

Posts: 8646


199 positive
33 negative
1/2. +rep the people in the credits! (Extremely important)
1. Download
2. Run the 3xi-Installer.
3. Read the information placed.
4. Run the 3XI Hack.exe shortcut placed on your desktop.
5. listen to the awesome song I (ViVo) chose for you!
6. Click the Pub Hack Button.
7. Click the Combat Arms button.
8. Hack the piss out of everyone and tell them where you got the hacks.

#Trial and error!#
Problem #1
Combat Arms closes Immediately with an abrupt error.
"DirectX Error/Video Card Error"
"Error 484"

Solution 1.
Be sure that DirectX 9.0 is installed.
Be sure that Microsoft.net Frameword 3.5 is installed properly.
We are still unable to find the exact source to this problem.

Problem #2
Combat Arms disconnects after 20 or so seconds.
Re-install combat Arms.
Make sure all the old hacks are removed.
Download 3xi v1.1

