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Destiny 2 AHK Aimbot

icon Thread: [Release] Destiny 2 AHK Aimbot

Join Date: Aug 2007

Posts: 1959

Kategorie: Other FPS Games
Entwickler: khatabhunter

Destiny 2 has to be ran in borderless window mode.
- Start up Destiny 2
- Configure settings.ini (Sample Settings attached for 1080p and 1440p)
- Start Destiny 2 AHK Aimbot.exe
- Press Num1 to activate (high pitch sound) and deactivate(low pitch sound) aimbot.
- Aimbot will start tracking when left click or right click is down.
- To exit, close program from taskbar.

Brightness should be 4.
For Sample Settings FOV should be maxed. DPI for your mouse should be around 800. You can tweak and work the settings to what works for you.

Destiny 2 AHK Aimbot