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Rust Experimental Hack 2.0b

icon Thread: [Release] Rust Experimental Hack 2.0b

Join Date: Aug 2007

Posts: 1959

Kategorie: Rust
Entwickler: Vinjak aka NadrogiraniKinz

Since their primitive AntiCheat is purely based on detecting pressed keys, you obviously only need to change the activation/deactivation keys for the cheat.

For those who simply can't be bothered downloading VS or don't know how to do it, I decided to upload the version that won't get you banned as soon as you try to open the menu.

How to use:
  1. 1) Download the "Rust Experimental Hack 2.0b".
  2. 2) Drag&Drop / Copy&Paste the CONTENTS of "Rust" folder INTO your rust folder. (Example: Into "C:\Users\User\Desktop\Rust116").
  3. 3) Contents of the folder named "C" should go into your C drive (C:\).
  4. 4) Download Extreme Injector v3.
  5. 5) Run Extreme Injector v3 AS ADMIN.
  6. 6) Run Rust & wait for it to start up until the home screen.
  7. 7) Under "process name" select RustClient.exe (If you don't have it then select Rust.exe).
  8. 8) Click on "Add DLL", go to C:\ , find and double click on "UnityLoaderv2.dll".
  9. 9) Inject.
  10. 10) You're done!
    Note: If you get a "No postload callback" error, just click ok, it doesn't matter.

Hack hotkeys:

Holding TAB keeps the menu open.
Letting go closes the menu.


v1.0 (by HardC0dez)
* Original release.
v1.1 (by kumatan)
* PlayerESP : Fixed. It will work with DB80/DB81.
* No-Clip : Don't work. It was detached.
v1.2 (by kumatan)
*Simply Display : Rounded off to the decimal and remove ".prefab" string.
v2.0 (by dkvadim)
* Fixed Lag spikes (Esp working perfect)
* Added Esp Player Box
* Added different color to online players and sleepers
* (New) Added CrossHair
* (New) Added LightHack
* Removed FieldAnimal,FieldResource,FieldLoot
v2.0c (by Vinjak aka NadrogiraniKinz)
* Changed the hotkeys to avoid KT bans
* Removed the standard injector since people seem to be having problems with it


Rust Experimental Hack 2.0b