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The Division ExtropyTD v1.3

icon Thread: [Release] The Division ExtropyTD v1.3

Join Date: Aug 2007

Posts: 1959

Kategorie: Other FPS Games
Entwickler: Extropian

Current Version: v1.91

Dev Notes:
- Read the entire thread before asking for help.
- Don't PM/Visitor message me (or testers) asking for a early/private release.
- All releases will only be made available here. If you find it elsewhere (and you won't until it gets approved here first) then someone else uploaded it there. This means there's no external links.
- v1.9+ will be making use of ImGui until I can find the time to expand the functionality of the old menu.
- Confirmed by several users, in v1.9 FPS issues have been alleviated.
- If you have issues with injection, please try the Manual Map option in your injectors.

- Silent Aim
- Target Players
- Aim Angle Adjustment (max 180)

- Box ESP
- Name ESP
- Weapon ESP
- Show Vendors
- Show Civilians
- Show Friendlies
- Show Division Tech
- Division Tech Distance
- Get Trumped
- Colour Adjustment

- Anti-Death
- No Clip
- No Clip Speed Adjustment
- No Recoil
- No Reload
- No Spread
- RPM Mod
- RPM Value Adjustment
- Infinite Ammo
- Movement Speed Adjustment

- Included into the release is dude719's integrity check bypass, you won't need to run any other solution if you intend to use this with Cheat Engine.
- Gamepad Support
- Custom Teleportation Lists (saved to individual .yaml files)
- Friends List
- All Keys Bindable

- Depending on your injection method/injector all .yaml files will appear in either the immediate directory where ExtropyTD.dll resides or in The Division game folder.
- Mandatory first run FAQ (so you guys don't have to ask for help for every little issue)


ExtropyTD v1.91