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ISS:World Proximity PlayerAlert

icon Thread: [Release] ISS:World Proximity PlayerAlert

Join Date: Aug 2007

Posts: 1959

Kategorie: Infestation Survivor Stories (The WarZ)
Entwickler: MRsrac

First of all, you SHOULD NOT get banned for this - ever. It doesn't inject or access the game memory in any way.

It's.. ridiculous really! Those infestation devs..

Put files in your gamefolder, run game, run exe, press leftshift, go.

This logs only player creations (includes annoying beep sound).
If players leave, die, the log will stay the same!
Log is cleared everytime you disconnect from a gameserver.

There is a file with item id to item name translation. I'm too lazy to fill it up. Item ids are on the internet somewhere tho.


ISS:World Proximity PlayerAlert