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icon Lion [AION BOT] #1

Join Date: Aug 2007

Posts: 8646


199 positive
33 negative
Kategorie: Other
Entwickler: shiftypowers

Lion.exe is what you see above, config.lua is offsets(no need to recompile) and your character name
Press Load Config and choose your script file

cleric_bot.lua is a simple script I wrote to control my cleric.

new script for my cleric:
TEXT Code:
  1. require 'config'
  3. Update()
  5. key_heal = N1
  6. key_loot = N5
  7. key_rest = N6
  9. sequence = { 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 2, 2 }
  10. c = 1
  12. resting = false
  14. last_cast = GetTickCount() + 2500
  16. function checkrest()
  17. if player.mp < 500 then
  18. SendKey(N6)
  19. return true
  20. end
  22. return false
  23. end
  25. function docombat()
  26. if last_cast < GetTickCount() then
  27. ab = hotbar[sequence[c]]
  28. last_cast = GetTickCount() + ab.duration
  29. UseAbility(ab)
  30. c = c + 1
  31. if c > 7 then
  32. c = 1
  33. end
  34. end
  36. end
  38. function main()
  40. Update()
  43. if player.hp < 500 then
  44. SendKey(key_heal)
  45. Wait(500)
  46. end
  48. if player.target.hp > 0 then
  49. if player.target.name == player.name or resting == true then do return end end
  51. docombat()
  52. else
  54. SendKey(key_loot)
  55. Wait(4000)
  56. SendKey(Tab)
  57. end
  59. if player.mp < 500 then
  60. SendKey(key_rest)
  61. resting = true
  62. end
  64. if resting == true then
  65. if player.mp > 1500 then
  66. resting = false
  67. SendKey(key_rest)
  68. end
  69. end
  71. end

here's the new config file (contains all keys if you need them)
TEXT Code:
  1. updateinterval = 100
  3. playername = "Godpoing"
  4. hp_addr = 0xFBC1B0
  5. maxhp_addr = 0xFBC1AC
  6. maxmp_addr = 0xFBC1B4
  7. mp_addr = 0xFBC1B8
  8. name_addr = 0xFB329C
  9. exp_addr = 0xFBC1A0
  10. target_pointer = 0xB45EA4
  11. hotbaraddr = 0x102D648
  12. playerx = 0xFB2E80
  13. playery = 0xFB2E7C
  14. playerz = 0xFB2E84
  16. state_normal = 0
  17. state_attack = 1
  18. state_resting = 3
  20. LeftButton = 0x01
  21. RightButton = 0x02
  22. Cancel = 0x03
  23. MiddleButton = 0x04
  24. ExtraButton1 = 0x05
  25. ExtraButton2 = 0x06
  26. Back = 0x08
  27. Tab = 0x09
  28. Clear = 0x0C
  29. Return = 0x0D
  30. Shift = 0x10
  31. Control = 0x11
  32. Menu = 0x12
  33. Pause = 0x13
  34. CapsLock = 0x14
  35. Kana = 0x15
  36. Hangeul = 0x15
  37. Hangul = 0x15
  38. Junja = 0x17
  39. Final = 0x18
  40. Hanja = 0x19
  41. Kanji = 0x19
  42. Escape = 0x1B
  43. Convert = 0x1C
  44. NonConvert = 0x1D
  45. Accept = 0x1E
  46. ModeChange = 0x1F
  47. Space = 0x20
  48. Prior = 0x21
  49. Next = 0x22
  50. End = 0x23
  51. Home = 0x24
  52. Left = 0x25
  53. Up = 0x26
  54. Right = 0x27
  55. Down = 0x28
  56. Select = 0x29
  57. Print = 0x2A
  58. Execute = 0x2B
  59. Snapshot = 0x2C
  60. Insert = 0x2D
  61. Delete = 0x2E
  62. Help = 0x2F
  63. N0 = 0x30
  64. N1 = 0x31
  65. N2 = 0x32
  66. N3 = 0x33
  67. N4 = 0x34
  68. N5 = 0x35
  69. N6 = 0x36
  70. N7 = 0x37
  71. N8 = 0x38
  72. N9 = 0x39
  73. A = 0x41
  74. B = 0x42
  75. C = 0x43
  76. D = 0x44
  77. E = 0x45
  78. F = 0x46
  79. G = 0x47
  80. H = 0x48
  81. I = 0x49
  82. J = 0x4A
  83. K = 0x4B
  84. L = 0x4C
  85. M = 0x4D
  86. N = 0x4E
  87. O = 0x4F
  88. P = 0x50
  89. Q = 0x51
  90. R = 0x52
  91. S = 0x53
  92. T = 0x54
  93. U = 0x55
  94. V = 0x56
  95. W = 0x57
  96. X = 0x58
  97. Y = 0x59
  98. Z = 0x5A
  99. LeftWindows = 0x5B
  100. RightWindows = 0x5C
  101. Application = 0x5D
  102. Sleep = 0x5F
  103. Numpad0 = 0x60
  104. Numpad1 = 0x61
  105. Numpad2 = 0x62
  106. Numpad3 = 0x63
  107. Numpad4 = 0x64
  108. Numpad5 = 0x65
  109. Numpad6 = 0x66
  110. Numpad7 = 0x67
  111. Numpad8 = 0x68
  112. Numpad9 = 0x69
  113. Multiply = 0x6A
  114. Add = 0x6B
  115. Separator = 0x6C
  116. Subtract = 0x6D
  117. Decimal = 0x6E
  118. Divide = 0x6F
  119. F1 = 0x70
  120. F2 = 0x71
  121. F3 = 0x72
  122. F4 = 0x73
  123. F5 = 0x74
  124. F6 = 0x75
  125. F7 = 0x76
  126. F8 = 0x77
  127. F9 = 0x78
  128. F10 = 0x79
  129. F11 = 0x7A
  130. F12 = 0x7B
  131. F13 = 0x7C
  132. F14 = 0x7D
  133. F15 = 0x7E
  134. F16 = 0x7F
  135. F17 = 0x80
  136. F18 = 0x81
  137. F19 = 0x82
  138. F20 = 0x83
  139. F21 = 0x84
  140. F22 = 0x85
  141. F23 = 0x86
  142. F24 = 0x87
  143. NumLock = 0x90
  144. ScrollLock = 0x91
  145. NEC_Equal = 0x92
  146. LeftShift = 0xA0
  147. RightShift = 0xA1
  148. LeftControl = 0xA2
  149. RightControl = 0xA3
  150. LeftMenu = 0xA4
  151. RightMenu = 0xA5
a couple different things added
GetTickCount() was added (self explanatory)
hotbar variable was added - this contains your 1st hotbar (I'll add rest later)
access it by doing hotbar[index]
it returns an ability, so
TEXT Code:
  1. ability = hotbar[0]
  2. casttime = ability.duration
UseAbility was added

TEXT Code:
  1. ability = hotbar[0]
  2. UseAbility(ability)

The waypoint stuff doesn't do anything yet, I'll finish it when I have time

Functions exposed to the scripts are:
Update() - updates player info (hp, mp etc)
Wait() - basically a Sleep()
player - object contains, name, hp, mp, target information

your script must have a "main" function.
it will be called based on the interval specified in config.lua


[Other] Lion [AION BOT]

