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  • Uploaded by: leonalexkraus
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DO YOU WANT TO CODE A HACK BUT DON'T KNOW HOW TO FIND OFFSETS? The GoD(Game offset Database) will help you!

► Well structured offset database

► Community based project
  └► Everyone can add his offsets
  └► Everyone can add a table for a game he want

► Rank system
  └► GoD-Admins can promote users to:
       └► User: Special permissions will be added soon
       └► Writer: Can add offsets
       └► Mods: Add tables, delete tables, backup tables, edit tables, edit GoD-                          News, check accounts, read applications and more!
       └► Admins: Add accounts, delete accounts, update GoD and read logs.

► The offsets will be updated frequently

► Easy to use, fast

Q: What is GoD?
A: It isn't a hack! GoD is a database for programmer. GoD is storing values programmer need to code a hack. Also GoD is community based so every user can add his values to help other people.

Q: I can't make my own hacks, can I use it anyway?
A: No, this is just a database so there would be no reason to use it.

I hope you guys can enjoy it.. http://www.oldschoolhack.me/images/emoticons/smile01.gif leonalexkraus 

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Getting errors when starting up and trying to do things...
@unknownhacker20 GOD is offline. I saw no point in this anymore..  It is slow, unconfortable and not public enought. But if you want to start coding you have to choose a language. Google it (like C, vb.net, C#, C++) and then choose what you like. Then read books about it, watch tutorials. Start from the beginning, make a calculator, little programms you need. Because game hacking is very hard and you have to know A LOT..  Have fun
hey I would like to hack bfh sys but know notthing about codeing lol don't even know where to start be would like to try will this god thing help?