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Battleground Europe ESP

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  • Category: Other FPS Games
  • Developer:
  • Uploaded by: System
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  • System: Windows
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VirusTotal Result: 2/57



This hack gives you an OpenGL based ESP for almost of all the player-controlled objects in the game. I never got around to fixing the detection of guns and it seems most parachute units are bugged as well. Due to lack of interest I also don't see this changing anytime soon...

Apart from an ESP the hack also comes with the option to enable a tiny bypass in their bullet-hit detection when you fire at enemy infantry, which makes the game consider the hitbox of enemy infantry to be bigger, resulting in shots being counted as hits while they shouldn't be. It is a bit buggy from upclose, so I recommend messing around with the "Play Offline" modus of the game (press space bar to spawn dummies) to see for yourselves if you enjoy the feature or not (I certainly did back in the day).

The hack also contains a tiny UI to toggle the various features of the hack on and off, but the I never got around customizing KN4CK3R's default mouse logic to make it work properly with this game. You can toggle the UI by pressing the INSERT key on your keyboard, after which it's best to alt tab out of the game which should allow you to interact with the UI. This all might sound pretty vague as you are reading this, but it should start to make sense after you actually try it out.https://www.unknowncheats.me/forum/images/smilies/lmao.gif

Special thanks to KN4CK3R for releasing his OldSchoolHack GUI framework.

Download Battleground Europe ESP
ok this hack is not working...
do you update this hack? after insert nothing happend.
when i press the insert button nothing done...
There is something about the file name that throws me off!! It was modified on 14th of may 2016??
It's a dll u have to inject it
cant get it to work either i put the .dll file into the application folder of the game and no luck.
how do u install this hack?