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H1Z1 External Source C++ v1.2

H1Z1 External Source C++ v1.2

- NoClip - SpeedHack - MagicBullets (dont working) - ESP(Lines, Box, cars, items, players,) - Aimbot (With intelligent prediction not finished yet but working.) - Teleport (To player only, didnt did it for cars but its ez) - Infinite Ammo (forget to add it but there is the two things to NOP)
14. Sep 2018
H1Z1 Address Dumper v1.2

H1Z1 Address Dumper v1.2

Instructions 1)Run the H1Z1 game client. 2)Run the executable as administrator. 3)Profit. ToDo -Add an option for Setting.ini logging -Add additional Offsets CGAME: \x48\x89\x41\x08\x48\x8B\x41\x08  xxxxxxxx +15 CGRAPHICS: \x48\x8B\x05\x00\x00\x00\x00\x48\x8B\xE9\x48\x85\xC0\x75\x07  xxx????xxxxxxxx
21. Sep 2015
H1Z1 Address Dumper v1.1

H1Z1 Address Dumper v1.1

Added timestamp and FallDamage Pointer Instructions 1)Run the H1Z1 game client. 2)Run the executable as administrator. 3)Profit. ToDo -Add an option for Setting.ini logging -Add additional Offsets Change Log Version 1.0 Initial Release Version 1.0.1 Corrected signature and mask for GetActor Pointer.
7. Aug 2015
H1Z1 Address Dumper v1.0.1

H1Z1 Address Dumper v1.0.1

Instructions 1)Run the H1Z1 game client. 2)Run the executable as administrator. 3)Profit. ToDo -Get sig for FallDamage -Add additional Offsets -Add time stamps for each dump Change Log Version 1.0.1 corrected signature and mask for GetActor Pointer.
7. Jul 2015
H1Z1 Address Dumper v1.0

H1Z1 Address Dumper v1.0

Instructions 1)Run the H1Z1 game client. 2)Run the executable as administrator. 3)Profit. ToDo -Get sig for FallDamage -Add additional Offsets -Add time stamps for each dump
7. Jul 2015
P1Z1-ESP Regular

P1Z1-ESP Regular

1 - Player List : You can add / remove players to the list and they will be dark red on the bottom left list. You can use it as enemy list or friend list. 2 - POI : You can add / remove POI's to your list. They will be shown like cities. You just type the name and the coordinates ( Name -> X -> Y ->
19. May 2015
P1Z1-ESP Detailed

P1Z1-ESP Detailed

Regular ESP : Same as previous version. Added option to Toggle Minimap. Just use it how you like it. Minimap or Radar Detailed ESP : - You can change color of almost anything you want. For items, ammo, aggressive, weapons its group based. For POI and Player List you can use all colors per element. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
17. May 2015
H1Z1 Assistant

H1Z1 Assistant

Update for 15/5/2015 How to Run: 1. Launch the game (run as admin) in window mode. 2. Run the H1Z1Assist.exe as admin as well. NOTE: 1. Windows AERO IS REQUIRED. 2. Aimbot works best if In game mouse sensitivity is set lower 0.3. 3. MAKE SURE you are running the game in WindowedFullscreen: Computer
17. May 2015
P1Z1-ESP Regular

P1Z1-ESP Regular

Regular ESP : Same as previous version. Added option to Toggle Minimap. Just use it how you like it. Minimap or Radar Detailed ESP : - You can change color of almost anything you want. For items, ammo, aggressive, weapons its group based. For POI and Player List you can use all colors per element. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
16. May 2015
H1Z1 Assistant

H1Z1 Assistant

Update: - Fix problems with HP, corpses - Now you can change hotkeys for aiming/friend How to Run: 1. Launch the game (run as admin) in window mode. 2. Run the H1Z1Assist.exe as admin as well. NOTE: 1. Windows AERO IS REQUIRED. 2. Aimbot works best if In game mouse sensitivity is set lower 0.3. 3. MAKE
12. May 2015