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Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

OldSchoolHack Fusion 1.1.1

OldSchoolHack Fusion 1.1.1

OldSchoolHack Fusion by KN4CK3R Changes: 1.1.1 - Tribes:Ascend Update 1.0.1185.0 - Battlefield: Heroes Update 1.97.243283.0 (you can move the gui mouse only at the main menu :( ) - fixed Call of Duty 4 minimap/airstrike map not showing - fixed Call of Duty 4 NoRecoil/Spread (in zoommode only) 1.1.0
13. Dec 2012
OldSchoolHack Fusion 1.1.0

OldSchoolHack Fusion 1.1.0

OldSchoolHack Fusion by KN4CK3R Changes: 1.1.0 - fixed Day of Defeat:Source - removed AimType CrosshairDistance (if you used it you can use FOV 180) - added Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - added F10 as new gui toggle key - added AimbotSticky feature to deactivate aimbot following targets 1.0.4 - added
11. Dec 2012
External CSGO

External CSGO

External CSGO Hack. Features Aimbot: - FOV, Smooth, Aim Time, Aim Type( Key, Auto ), Bone, NoRecoil and WeaponSettings. ESP: - Box, Distance, Weapon, Healthbar, BoneESP, EnemyOnly Triggerbot: - Type ( Key, Auto ), Delay Miscs: - Bunnyhop, Crosshair, PanicKey, NoFlash Ingame Menu: - Configure your Settings,
4. Dec 2012
OldSchoolHack Fusion 1.0.4

OldSchoolHack Fusion 1.0.4

OldSchoolHack Fusion by KN4CK3R Changes: 1.0.4 - added Team Fortress 2 building esp - added Tribes:Ascend AutoShoot - GUI can't be moved out of the window 1. Run OSHFusionUnique.exe and choose OSHFusion.exe. This will randomize your copy of OSHFusion. 2. Delete OSHFusionUnique.exe now! You don't need
25. Nov 2012
OldSchoolHack Fusion 1.0.1

OldSchoolHack Fusion 1.0.1

OldSchoolHack Fusion by KN4CK3R 1. Run OSHFusionUnique.exe and choose OSHFusion.exe. This will randomize your copy of OSHFusion. 2. Delete OSHFusionUnique.exe now! You don't need it anymore. 3. Run OSHFusion.exe (will have a random name now). 4. Choose the game you want to hack. 5. Inject the hack or
18. Nov 2012
OldSchoolHack BP CS:GO RC4

OldSchoolHack BP CS:GO RC4

OldSchoolHack - BP - Counter-Strike: Global Offensive - RC4 by KN4CK3R Changes: - Offset updated Ger: 0. Injector und DLL müssen den gleichen Namen haben (z.B. osh.exe und osh.dll) 1. starte CS:GO 2. starte den Injektor (osh.exe) 3. wenn die Ingame Konsole im Hauptmenu aktiviert ist, erscheinen dort
1. Nov 2012
CS:GO ESP&Bhop *External*

CS:GO ESP&Bhop *External*

HOW TO START? 1. CS:GO startoptions -window and -noborder 2. HACK AS ADMIN 3. HF YOU NEED: 1. Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package x86 and as 64bit user Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package x64 2. DirectX Runtime 3. Windows 7 or Windows Vista 4. Turn on AERO
3. Oct 2012
OldSchoolHack BP CS:GO RC3

OldSchoolHack BP CS:GO RC3

OldSchoolHack - BP - Counter-Strike: Global Offensive - RC3 by KN4CK3R Changes: - Offset updated Ger: 0. Injector und DLL müssen den gleichen Namen haben (z.B. osh.exe und osh.dll) 1. starte CS:GO 2. starte den Injektor (osh.exe) 3. wenn die Ingame Konsole im Hauptmenu aktiviert ist, erscheinen dort
30. Sep 2012
OldSchoolHack BP CS:GO RC2

OldSchoolHack BP CS:GO RC2

OldSchoolHack - BP - Counter-Strike: Global Offensive - RC2 by KN4CK3R Changes: - Chams fixed for AMD/ATI Users - NoFlash fixed Ger: 0. Injector und DLL müssen den gleichen Namen haben (z.B. osh.exe und osh.dll) 1. starte CS:GO 2. starte den Injektor (osh.exe) 3. wenn die Ingame Konsole im Hauptmenu
31. Aug 2012
OldSchoolHack BP CS:GO RC1

OldSchoolHack BP CS:GO RC1

OldSchoolHack - BP - Counter-Strike: Global Offensive - RC1 by KN4CK3R Changes: - Chams - NoSpread Ger: 0. Injector und DLL müssen den gleichen Namen haben (z.B. osh.exe und osh.dll) 1. starte CS:GO 2. starte den Injektor (osh.exe) 3. wenn die Ingame Konsole im Hauptmenu aktiviert ist, erscheinen dort
27. Aug 2012