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5$Hack v2.0

not available
  • Category: Battlefield Hereos
  • Developer:
  • Uploaded by: KN4CK3R
  • Uploaded at:
  • System: Windows
File not available.


- Clickable + movable Menu
- Scoreboard at top of the screen
- Box ESP
- Health ESP (changing color depending on health percentage)
- Health Bars (changing color depending on health percentage)
- Working Vehicle Health (health turns blue)
- Stealth ESP
- Viewdistance increase

- Use in window mode only!
- Delete is Menu-Key
- PBSS is not blocked! Use at your own risk!

- 10/19/10 Removed vs2008 runtime dependency
- 10/22/10 Few changes, undetected again
- 10/30/10 Added Health Bars, some changes
- 11/05/10 Clickable + movable Menu added, Removed Renderer Tweaks except Viewdistance increase, some minor bugfixes

Credits to: zoomgod, Strife, Winslow, GetModuleHandle, Freaky123, Patrick, R4z8r, learn_more, doobie, KozmoK, Sparten, smoochy, SEGnosis, Vossy, freitag, hanoi and 5$andimyours

Special thanks to:
Freeheadshot for being awesome
Roverturbo for helping with getting undetected

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