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Go to first new post [Release] 5$Hack v3.9 Erstellt am: Mi 7. Dez 2011, 17:42


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Zitat von KN4CK3R
- Bone Aimbot (also aims at passengers etc.)
- Beta Vehicle Aimbot
- Aim Methods: Closest To Crosshair, Closest by Distance, Lowest Health
- Movement Prediction
- Beta Bulletdrop Prediction for Tanks
- No Spread
- No Shake
- Ping Correction
- Bone Scan
- Auto Aim
- Auto Switch
- Smooth Aim
- Smart Auto Fire
- Aim FOV
- Aimbones: Head, Chest and Crotch
- Aimkeys: Left Shift, Left Control, Left Alt, Right Mousebutton
- Visibility Checks
- Stealth Checks
- Sniper special (automatic switch of aimbone, use with knife + rifle)
- Box ESP (infantry + vehicle)
- Bone ESP
- Health Bars (changing color depending on health percentage)
- Level ESP
- Name ESP
- Class ESP
- Distance ESP
- Line ESP
- Vehicle ESP
- Vehicle Health (blue bars)
- Stealth ESP
- Player Chams
- Movable 2D Radar
- Visibility Checks
- Class Proximity Warnings
- Enemy Line of Sight ("Player Is Aiming At You")
- Team Checks- Object ESP (Beta)
- Objects
- Smoke
- Fog
- Terrain
- Undergrowth
- Overgrowth
- Tags
- Sky
- Sunflare
- Viewdistance increase
- Viewdistance decrease
- Clickable Menu with Tabs
- Menu Animations with Speed Modifier
- Save / Load Settings
- Crosshair
- Scoreboard
- Choosable Menukey
- PBSS Blocker
- Insert is the default menukey
- Arrow Keys move the Radar when enabled
This is an UC-Forum only release! The author of this program is the only one who is allowed to spread it around, don't upload it anywhere else before you got the permission of the author!
Credits to: Roverturbo, zoomgod, Winslow,  Hanoi22, Haxing4Life,  Freeheadshot and 5$andimyours
- 10/19/10 Removed vs2008 runtime dependency
- 10/22/10 Few changes, undetected again
- 10/30/10 Added Health Bars, some changes
- 11/05/10 Clickable + movable Menu added, Removed Renderer Tweaks except Viewdistance increase, some minor bugfixes
- 12/10/10 Added whole Aimbot feature, way too much more changes to list
- 01/21/11 Added Lvl, Name, Class, Distance ESP, whole new menu, other changes
- 01/28/11 Added Line, Vehicle, Class Proximity, changed "not at       stealthed" feature of the aimbot.. (can now aim at cloaked mandos when       near)
- 02/04/11 Aimbot faster, fixed a bug with Vehicle ESP, optimized auto shoot
- 02/05/11 Added choosable menukey...
- 03/26/11 Added No Spread, 360 degrees aiming, fixed stealth esp (hope so), optimized menu source structure
- 04/16/11 Self-made menu, Enemy LoS, Aim Methods, Save/Load Settings, many tiny things added
 - 10/11/11 Revival of 5$Hack with some new features.
- 12/06/11 Object ESP beta-state added
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