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Benutzersuche: Dovahkiin

Dark Souls 2 Trainer

Dark Souls 2 Trainer

ReadMe Dark Souls 2 Legit Trainer by Igromanru Easy to use | legit | VAC2 undetected Only for Steam version!   Use it on your own risk! I assume no liability! I am using it since the second day after the release and I am still good standing!   How To Use: 1. Start Dark Souls 2 2. Go ingame. 3. Start
24. Mai 2014
HolzIgto Injector v1.4.6

HolzIgto Injector v1.4.6

HolzIgto Injector by Igromanru Instruction 1. Execute HolzIgto Injector.exe 2. Press "..." button and choose a hack dll. 3. Choose a game process from the list or just put another process name.  (e.g. hl2.exe = Counter-Strike Source) 4. Press one of the Buttons. "AutoInject" will inject the dll afte
2. Nov 2012
HolzIgto Injector v1.4.5

HolzIgto Injector v1.4.5

Instruction 1. Execute HolzIgto Injector.exe 2. Press "..." button and choose a hack dll. 3. Choose a game process from the list or just put another process name. (e.g. hl2.exe = Counter-Strike Source) 4. Press one of the Buttons. "AutoInject" will inject the dll afte the delay time (1000=1sec), InstantInject
20. Okt 2012
HolzIgto Injector v1.4.3

HolzIgto Injector v1.4.3

HolzIgto Injector by Igromanru Instruction 1. Execute HolzIgto Injector.exe 2. Press "..." button and choose a hack dll. 3. Choose a game process from the list or just put another process name. (e.g. hl2.exe = Counter-Strike Source) 4. Press one of the Buttons. "AutoInject" will inject the dll afte
13. Okt 2012
HolzIgto Injector v1.4.1

HolzIgto Injector v1.4.1

HolzIgto Injector by Igromanru Instruction 1. Execute HolzIgto Injector.exe 2. Press "..." button and choose a hack dll. 3. Choose a game process from the list or just put another process name. (e.g. hl2.exe = Counter-Strike Source) 4. Press one of the Buttons. "AutoInject" will inject the dll afte
24. Aug 2012
HolzIgto Injector v1.4

HolzIgto Injector v1.4

HolzIgto Injector by Igromanru Instruction 1. Execute HolzIgto Injector.exe 2. Press "..." button and choose a hack dll. 3. Choose a game process from the list or just put another process name. (e.g. hl2.exe = Counter-Strike Source) 4. Press one of the Buttons. "AutoInject" will inject the dll afte
30. Jul 2012
Steam Achievement Manager 63

Steam Achievement Manager 63

1. Startet Steam. 2. Sorgt dafür, dass ihr keine Steam Spiele am laufen habt. 3. Startet die SAM.Picker.exe 4. Nach dem alle Spiele geladen wurde doppelklick auf das gewünschtes Spiel. 5. Es öffnet sich ein neues Fenster mit allen Achievments für das Spiel. Dort könnt ihr auf "Invert all achievements"
30. Sep 2011
HolzIgto Injector v1.3

HolzIgto Injector v1.3

<HolzIgto Injector by Igromanru> Instruction 1. dll must have the same name like injector. (example: HolzIgto Injector.exe and HolzIgto Injector.dll) 2. Start HolzIgto. 3. Choose your Game exe from the list or past the exe name of your game. (e.g. hl2.exe = Counter-Strike Source) 4. Press one of the
25. Sep 2011
Steam Achievement Manager 60

Steam Achievement Manager 60

Steam Achievement Manager 60 Author: Rick Ein verwaltungs tool für Steam Achievements. Damit kann man nicht nur achievenements Unlocken sondern auch reseten und man kann sogar seine stats ändern. Man kann dafür nicht vac gebannt werden, wenn man alles richtig macht. ReamMe zu lessen nicht vergessen!
9. Okt 2010


ProInject 1.0 1.) Set TargetEXE & InjectDLL in ProInject.ini 2.) Copy DLL into the folder where ProInject.exe is 3.) Start ProInject.exe, check for errors, it will always exit after 10s. 4.) Start your Game/TargetExe Tested on Windows XP and Windows 7. Compiled for 32bit windows. Shouts go to: Orkblutt
15. Sep 2010