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RayHook v1.2

  • Kategorie: Arma 2 (DayZ)
  • Entwickler:
  • Hochgeladen von: KN4CK3R
  • Hinzugefügt am:
  • System: Windows
Download (544.84 KB)

VirusTotal Ergebnis: 1/46



Status: Detected

To hack you only need to follow a few simple instructions:

0) Make sure you have BattlEye updated to 1.204.
1) Copy "RayHook.dll" over to "Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead/Expansion/beta/dll" or if you are not using the beta copy it to "Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead/dll".
2) Start the game with the command line argument "-malloc=RayHook". In DayZCommander this is in the settings as "Additional Launch Parameters".

Now when you start game you should be able to bring up the menu with your "END" key.


- Unlimited ammo
- Bullet super damage
- Bullet super speed
- No recoil
- Rapid fire
- No grass
- Increase render distance
- ESP [Enemy/Vehicle/Zed/Corpse]
- Teleport to map marker
- Spawn weapon
- Spawn magazine
- Repair vehicle
- Refuel vehicle

Known issues:

- Some servers may block the teleport feature with scripts and ban you for attempting the teleport
- Destroying buildings with "bullet super damage" appears in the server log
- Spawning weapons/magazines shows up in the logs now but can't be distinguished from picking them up

Credits / Shoutouts in alphabetical order:


Download RayHook v1.2
Kategorie: Arma 2 (DayZ)
Entwickler: sd333221

Status: Detected

To hack you only need to follow a few simple instructions:

0) Make sure you have BattlEye updated to 1.204.
1) Copy "RayHook.dll" over to "Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead/Expansion/beta/dll" or if you are not using the beta copy it to "Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead/dll".
2) Start the game with the command line argument "-malloc=RayHook". In DayZCommander this is in the settings as "Additional Launch Parameters".

Now when you start game you should be able to bring up the menu with your "END" key.


- Unlimited ammo
- Bullet super damage
- Bullet super speed
- No recoil
- Rapid fire
- No grass
- Increase render distance
- ESP [Enemy/Vehicle/Zed/Corpse]
- Teleport to map marker
- Spawn weapon
- Spawn magazine
- Repair vehicle
- Refuel vehicle

Known issues:

- Some servers may block the teleport feature with scripts and ban you for attempting the teleport
- Destroying buildings with "bullet super damage" appears in the server log
- Spawning weapons/magazines shows up in the logs now but can't be distinguished from picking them up

Credits / Shoutouts in alphabetical order:



RayHook v1.2
sorry my fault changed my key a bit wrong
and whats about BE 1.204?
Yeah thats a good question
Failed to load file "C:\Program Files(x86)\Steam\...\pmc\addons\air_pmc.pbo" - decryption of headers failed
1st Fail... as error messagebox on start
2nd fail: while joining:ingame: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/SurvivorW2_DZ.scope'.
MsgBox: Vercheckgt

sorry my fault changed my key a bit wrong
and whats about BE 1.204?
no its not sorry
Zitat von XzombiepwnageX
DayZ is mod for arma 2
So arma 2 is free game?
DayZ is mod for arma 2
This game is f2p or b2p? If f2p, please link to site ;]