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Lolesley's Battlefield 3 Multi-hack

icon Thema: [Release] Lolesley's Battlefield 3 Multi-hack

Anmeldungsdatum: Aug 2007

Beiträge: 1959

Kategorie: Battlefield 3
Entwickler: Lolesley

Burst fire -Burst fire for all weapons (mouse 5)
Less spread -Decrease the amount of spread
Autozoom -Automaticly zooms when you shoot
Fast pistol -Shoots your pistol as fast as possible(mouse 4)
Bunnyhop -Keep jumpong (Hold spacebar)
Autosprint -Sprint automaticly
Autowalk -walk forward automaticly
Side step -Step to left and right when shooting
Crouch shoot Crouch when shooting
Far jump -Make the longest jump possible (Pres Caps lock)
Dolphin dive -Dolphin dive your way through the map
Auto spot -Automaticly spot enemy's when in crosshair
Blinking light -Makes your laser/flashlight blink
Auto reload -reload automaticly when not firing
Teabag -teabag the enemies you rekt(Hold C)
Derp radar -Changes the mode of the radar rapidly

Hello, this "Multi-hack" is a little tool that will give you small advantage's.
There is nothing crazy or overpowered in this "hack" such as aimbot or wallhacks.
This "hack" will have lots of updates and i will make sure it stays undetected.

This "hack" is actually a script wich sends key presses simulating the mouse and keyboard.
this makes it "undetectable" now what i mean by "undetectable" is the hack does nothing with your game except sending key presses.
PunkBuster can't detect keypresses because they would have to ban your mouse and keyboard for that.
now why it could still be detected is if PunkBuster would notice this script and scan for the process or something like that. so dont take "undetectable" to serious.

Keep in mind that alot can and will change.


Lolesley's Battlefield 3 Multi-hack