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i need help to create aimbot

icon Thema: [Help] i need help to create aimbot

Anmeldungsdatum: Feb 2013

Beiträge: 535


92 positiv
24 negativ
Zitat von titaa33 post
@KN4CK3R , I send to you a lot od msgs to help , no answer
please make new mta sa aimbot no walhacks no distance , nothing just aimbot
1.4 version most protected one so i give you a new challenge
anyone can help me feel free to reply

Note : i know your language is deutsh please make sure read it
thank you a lot
This is a Freehack forum, there are rarely hacks created on requests. If a coder would play MTA and would want to make a public hack for MTA he would already have created and uploaded one.