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tim0n's SA Hook

icon Thema: [Release] tim0n's SA Hook

Anmeldungsdatum: Aug 2007

Beiträge: 8646


199 positiv
33 negativ
Kategorie: Arma 2 (DayZ)
Entwickler: tim0n; LUDIJAK

Here are some details before you get the file:

-Compiled/created in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010.
-Reversal using IDA/Olly/ReClass (by DC).
-Comes with no guarantee.
-I more then likely won't help you if you have issues compiling etc.

Current features:

-Player/Zombie ESP
-Radar with players and map drawn
-Some other stuff i cant remember
-Oh ya there's a few other things in the classes that me and LUDIJAK have reversed, I removed most game breaking shit.
-You can teleport but I'll let you figure that one out (hint: it's real damn easy)

Treat this like a basehook, and I'd very much appreciate it if you shared anything you come by using this base, seeing as how I shared the WHOLE base with you

-Ludijak (Essentially created it with me)
-Strife (Canvas)
-Douggem (he's a boss)
-fatboy (he did transformations for the mod and I just updated it for SA)


tim0n's SA Hook

