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Two hacks, two problems

icon Thema: Two hacks, two problems

Anmeldungsdatum: Sep 2013

Beiträge: 15

Zitat von Lucky_Luke
Why the hack does not start?
There are several possible sources of error:

- Run as Admin
Most hacks have to be run as admin. For this you right-click on the. Exe and click "Run as Admin".

- There is an old version of DirectX used
The installer can be found here:

- Missing the Visual C + + Redistributable Package
This becomes particularly by error messages like "msvcr100.dll could not be found" and similar noticeable.
For 2010:
32bit: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=5555
64bit: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=14632
For 2012:

- Dependency Checker
The tool here may show lack of frameworks:
Simply pull the hack DLL on the window of DependencyCheckers!

- The anti-virus program blocks the start of the program
Disable the antivirus program.

- Incorrect boot sequence
With some hacks, it is important that you first start the game and then install the hack. For others it is a way that you have to start the hack and then the game first. For many, the order does not matter.
Simply try out a little.

- Old graphics card drivers
Run a graphics card driver update may also help.
Nvidia / GeForce: http://www.nvidia.co.uk/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-uk
AMD / Radeon: Um Links zu sehen, musst du dich registrieren

if it doesn't help,then ask again...

Thank you, I can't seem to find Dependency Checker and everything else should be fine.