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BF Heroes Dr Pepper Codes

icon Thema: BF Heroes Dr Pepper Codes

Anmeldungsdatum: Aug 2007

Beiträge: 8646


199 positiv
33 negativ
funktionierende Umfragen:
Country - Name - Type - Time - Requirements - Battlefunds

Germany - Meinungsstudie - Lottery - Register, confirm email, fill out 2 min srvey - 233
Germany - Audi A3 - Lottery - 30 min - Register and confirm email - 107
Germany - IKEA Möbelgutschein - Lottery - 30 min - Register and confirm email - 107
Germany - Amazon - Lottery - 30 min - Register and confirm email - 133
Germany - GfK - Survey - 35 min - Register and confirm email - 155
Germany - Coffe to go - Lottery - 30 min - Register and confirm email - 94
Poland - Survey Router -Survey - Register and confirm email - 101
Poland - Empik Foto -Register and confirm email - 12
Poland - Wygraj Sylwestra Marzeń - Register and confirm email - 57
Poland - Skill7 - Register and confirm email - 49
UK - Reward TV - Register with valid contact details and play at least 2 TV Trivia games. - 86 BF
UK - Audible.co.uk - Sign up for the free trial with valid contact and credit card details. - 477 BF
UK - Nielsen NetRatings - Survey - 206 BF

greetz KN4CK3R

