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Warface Hack Full Source

icon Thema: [Release] Warface Hack Full Source

Anmeldungsdatum: Aug 2007

Beiträge: 1959

Kategorie: Other FPS Games
Entwickler: Dark1027

- Aims on the body of players from both teams (aims above proning players)
- Doesnt work in COOP
- Aimkey: Right Mouse
- Aimbot FOV is 10°
- Draws a small red box on the body from players of both teams
- Doesn't always draw (player must be in a certain distance)
- Disables the z-buffer and draws players through some walls
- Doesn't always draw (player must be in a certain distance)
- Paints the player orange if he is behind a wall and yellow if he is visible
- Doesn't always draw (player must be in a certain distance)
Explosives Chams:
- Paints explosives pink if behind a wall and red if visible
- Doesn't always draw (explosive must be in a certain distance)
No Smoke:
- Disables the smoke from smoke grenades (your vision will still blur if you stand in a smoke)
- Removes lightning to achieve a fullbright effect
Scary Mode:
- Just take some LSD... the effect will be the same
Matrix Mode:
- Ever wanted to enter the matrix? Well now you can! (for only 9.99$)
Show FPS:
- Displays your FPS in the top left corner
- Draws various crosshairs

How to use:
  1. Download the Um Links zu sehen, musst du dich registrieren
  2. Open an injector of your choice
  3. Open Warface in windowed mode
  4. Wait until the main menu has fully loaded
  5. Inject either with Standard Injection or Manual Map (both work flawless)
  6. Press Insert to toggle the menu
  7. Press arrow keys to navigate and to toggle the features

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Warface Hack Full Source