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Cham ESP

icon Thema: [Release] Cham ESP

Anmeldungsdatum: Aug 2007

Beiträge: 1959

Kategorie: Star Wars Battlefront
Entwickler: coltonon

This is an ULTRA simple ESP hack, for those of you who don't like all of the ugly lines and boxes in every other ESP. This thing is really basic, there are no controls. Start battlefront, start the hack. Hell, even that order doesn't matter. There isn't even an overlay, since the game renders chams, so it doesn't matter what display mode you are in.

I could have released this as a cheat engine hack it is so simple (lol), but I added logic for whether the player is on your team or not, and if they are visible. Blue is visible, Red is invisible, and Yellow is a teammate. Simple as that. This is how you play a hack without ruining the visuals of the game. literally just draws players, that's all. I had a few gun modifications, but those were too op...

/hackdata/screenshot/thumb/8412995f361f48e765355fb708a0d9aa.jpg /hackdata/screenshot/thumb/5b3b1db1b19038348464b4e5fb003bb8.jpg

Cham ESP