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Making my own Launcher ??

icon Thema: [Help] Making my own Launcher ??

Anmeldungsdatum: Aug 2015

Beiträge: 6

I see a previus post when say the comand line to connect to another server bf3 in my lan, i don't understand very well how it do that if in the line posted don't show the ip parameter.

Well i mount a bf3 server using BF3Emulator and works fine i can play without problem, but i want make my own launcher in .Net some know the command line to tell him bf3 connect to mi X ip server and pass the user and wherever parameters need.

I found the command line used when i use the FireFox is this in PHP

$params = '-webMode MP -Origin_NoAppFocus -onlineEnvironment prod -loginToken 4-8-15-16-23-42 -AuthToken 4-8-15-16-23-42 -requestState State_ClaimReservation -requestStateParams "<data putinsquad=\"false\" gameid=\"'.$row['gid'].'\" personaref=\"'.$userData['pid'].'\" levelmode=\"mp\"></data>"|'.$hostIP.'|'.$cfg['clientLoadImage'].'|'.$cfg['clientLoadImageHeight'].'|'.$cfg['clientLoadImageWidth'].'';

How i can implement this in a bath file for example..

Thx for advance