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Smile Hook for DeadStorm - TheLiciaZ 2.0

icon Thema: [Release] Smile Hook for DeadStorm - TheLiciaZ 2.0

Anmeldungsdatum: Aug 2007

Beiträge: 1959

Kategorie: Infestation Survivor Stories (The WarZ)
Entwickler: 666Slk

Anticheat: Unknown.

Player ESP
- Name
- Distance
- Skeleton
- Health Bar
- Dead Status
- 2D Box
- 3D Box

World ESP
- Zombie ESP
- Name
- Distance
- 2D Box

- Item ESP
- Name
- Ammo
- Distance
- Car

- NoClip
- SuperJump
- Force HS
- Increase Damage
- NoFall Damage
- Instant Kill
- Instant Disconnect
- GhostMode

- Basic Crosshair
- Circle Crosshair
- Players Around
- Zombies Around
- NightVision
- Draw FPS
- Draw Time

- Exit Process
- SS Blocker [Not test]

How to use?
- Download Game.
- Download any Injector.
- And inject. xD

What are the controls?
- NoClip Key "V"
- Ghost Key "F"
- Instant Kill Key "G"
- SuperJump Key "Space Bar"
- Menu Key "F1"
- Instant Disconnect key "F7"

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Group: Um Links zu sehen, musst du dich registrieren

/hackdata/screenshot/thumb/2f09ffc7f6f9933aaafb359294468967.jpg /hackdata/screenshot/thumb/81087cbb81a47f5c546ef630a1fed1c8.jpg

Smile Hook for DeadStorm - TheLiciaZ 2.0