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Simple Triggerbot

icon Thema: [Release] Simple Triggerbot

Anmeldungsdatum: Aug 2007

Beiträge: 1959

Kategorie: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Entwickler: benc2256

  1. exit steam!
  2. right click the executable -> "Run as administrator"
  3. fire up steam, csgo
  4. join a server, have fun!

also, there is no need for any runtimes, all libs are statically linked - should work on any computer running windows.

to activate the triggerbot, hold "alt" on your keyboard - keep in mind this will also shoot at teammates (for community deathmatch servers)

How to change trigger-key to something other than alt:
  1. open notepad
  2. paste the below config into notepad
  3. file -> save as -> change file type to "all files"
  4. locate where you saved the executable and save the config as "options.ini"
  5. go to the website: Um Links zu sehen, musst du dich registrieren
  6. choose any key you would like
  7. open windows calculator
  8. go to view -> and click programmer
  9. change the base type to "hex"
  10. copy the number from the virtual key you chose (for example 0x23) and paste it into the calculator
  11. then choose "decimal"
  12. copy that number and replace the "XX" in the config file with your number
  13. save and exit notepad
  14. reload executable

Simple Triggerbot