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OldSchoolHack BP HL2DM RC1

icon OldSchoolHack BP HL2DM RC1 #1

Anmeldungsdatum: Aug 2007

Beiträge: 8646


199 positiv
33 negativ
OldSchoolHack - BP - Half-Life 2 DM - RC1
by KN4CK3R

0. injector and dll must have the SAME name (osh.exe, osh.dll or whatever)
1. start HL2DM
2. start injector
3. read the infos in the HL2DM console
4. play

If the game crashes for you, try to use the windowmode.
You only can move the GUI mouse if you are ingame.


- Crosshair

- sv_cheats Bypass
- sv_consistency Bypass
- Modelwireframe
- no Particles
- Fullbrightmode
- no Sky

- ESP Box
- ESP Name
- ESP Healthbar
- Radar
- Radar Name
- Radar Healthbar
- Chatspy (read teamsay etc)

happy fragging
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Download [HL2DM] OldSchoolHack BP HL2DM RC1

