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GameSpy Login Server Emulator

icon GameSpy Login Server Emulator #1

Anmeldungsdatum: Aug 2007

Beiträge: 8646


199 positiv
33 negativ
GameSpy Login Server Emulator v.2.3.

Was modified an existing emulator from Luigi Auriemma.
- Added missing in the original, functional to register a new account.
- Accounts are stored in the database MySQL.

Unlike the original account gets its ID always, and not random as it was.

The efficiency of the menu items (for Battlefiled 2):
Manage Account
Retrieve Account (receipt of Nick and Email)
Delete (support from the emulator does not require, as the account is removed only on the local machine)
Forgot Password - (opens the page GameSpy [https: / / login.gamespyid.com / lostpassword.aspx] where
input email Send a forgotten password)
Create Account

To start the need to be available libmySQL.dll (list the road or put in a folder with the emulator).

The format of the launch:
gs_login_server-x 29900-dbhost bf2stats-dbuser bfroot-dbpass bfroot-spid 30000000
gs_login_server-u-x 29901-dbhost bf2stats-dbuser bfroot-dbpass bfroot

for BF2 to run an emulator for 2-ports (as shown above).
-X <port number>
-Dbhost <host with DB Mysql>
-Dbname <database name>
-Dbuser <username database>
-Dbpass <password database>
-Spid <starting ID number for the account> default 30000000

Database user must have rights to create tables, as the first run creates two tables for the emulator:
gamespy_players and gamespy_pass

In hosts.ics should attend:

<ip> gpcm.gamespy.com
<ip> gpsp.gamespy.com

# Web statistics
<ip> bf2web.gamespy.com
# To start the game took place not in 40 seconds (without internet), and for 10 seconds. (Emulator responds to requests from reaching the port 27900 UDP)
<ip> battlefield2.available.gamespy.com
# Make the game not lomilas to internet to search for servers
<ip> battlefield2.ms14.gamespy.com
# I do not remember why
<ip> gamestats.gamespy.com

I did not set a goal to remove the extra lines, so what led me to hosts.ics.
Definitely I can say that the port 29900 for gpcm.gamespy.com, and 29,901 for gpsp.gamespy.com

Tested with MySQL 5.1.33 (XAMPP 1.7.1) and MySQL 4.1.22

Unfortunately check the work under a heavy load can not (8 people at a time works fine).
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