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Offsets in CSS finden (Help)

icon Offsets in CSS finden (Help) #1

Join Date: Apr 2009

Posts: 3

Hallo ich würde gerne einen CSS Hack in C# schreiben hab auch schon ein Source Code von einem (Only ProcessMemoryRead) gefunden in C++ kann ja umsetzen . Ich weiß ja wie man offsets findet aber sachen wie

so was halt der Source Code ist von extern0r (ESP Only).

hier ist ein teil vom source.. viele offsets aber ich wieß nicht wie ich sie finden kann..


// extern0r.cpp : Defines the entry point for the application.

#include "extern0r.h"

cLocalPlayer gLocalPlayer;

char szpath[1024];
char szlogfile[1024];
bool bGotPath = false;
void __cdecl add_log(const char * fmt, ...)
va_list va_alist;
char logbuf[256];
FILE *fp;
char szLogFile[256];
struct tm *current_tm;
time_t current_time;

time (&current_time);
current_tm = localtime (&current_time);

sprintf (logbuf, "[%02d:%02d:%02d] ", current_tm->tm_hour, current_tm->tm_min, current_tm->tm_sec);

va_start (va_alist, fmt);
_vsnprintf (logbuf+strlen(logbuf), sizeof(logbuf) - strlen(logbuf), fmt, va_alist);
va_end (va_alist);

if( !bGotPath )
bGotPath = true;
GetModuleFileName( 0, szpath, 1024 );
strcpy(szlogfile, szpath);
strcpy(&szlogfile[strlen(szlogfile) - 3], "log");
if ( (fp = fopen ( szlogfile , "a")) != NULL )
fprintf ( fp, "%s\n", logbuf );
fclose (fp);

// Global Variables:
DWORD dwPID = 0;
HANDLE hProcess;

DWORD m_EntPtrArray;
DWORD dwClient_DLL;
DWORD dwEngine_DLL;

DWORD dwLocalViewangles;
DWORD dwCmdViewangles;
DWORD dwScreenSize;

// Pre-Declarations:
DWORD GetModuleBaseExtern( DWORD dwPID, char* szModuleName );
int GetLocalPlayer( void );
bool InGame( void );
void ESP( void );
void DrawBox(HDC context, int x, int y, int r, int g, int b, int size, int thickness);
void DrawString( HDC context, int x, int y, int r, int g, int b, char* text, bool center );

struct sPlayer
DWORD m_dwAddress;
float m_vecOrigin[3];
float m_f2DCoordinates[2];
float m_fViewangles[3];
unsigned int m_iTeamNum;
unsigned int m_iHealth;
unsigned int m_lifeState;
unsigned int m_bIsPlayer;
unsigned int m_fFlags;
unsigned int m_iFOV;
unsigned int m_bDormant;
COLORREF m_clrTeamColor;
sPlayer Players[32];

struct sGame
unsigned int m_bInGame;
sGame Game;

struct sGameWindow
HWND hWindow;
unsigned int m_iCaptionHeight;
RECT m_Rect;
unsigned int m_iSize[2];
unsigned int m_iResolution[2];
unsigned int m_iDisplayCenter[2];
sGameWindow GameWindow;

unsigned int g_iCaptionHeight;
unsigned int g_iBorderWidth;
unsigned int g_iDisplayCenter[2];
unsigned int m_iMin[2];
unsigned int m_iMax[2];

int APIENTRY _tWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance,
                    HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
                    LPTSTR    lpCmdLine,
                    int       nCmdShow)
char szMutex[256];
GetModuleFileName( 0, szMutex, 256 );
for( int i = 0; i < ( int )strlen( szMutex ); i++ )
if( szMutex[ strlen( szMutex ) - i ] == '\\' )
//szMutex[ ( strlen( szMutex ) -  i ) + 1 ] = '\0';
sprintf( szMutex, szMutex + ( strlen( szMutex ) - i + 1 ) );
CreateMutex( 0, FALSE, "extern0r" );
if( GetLastError() )
char szMessage[256];
sprintf( szMessage, "%s  is already running!", szMutex );
MessageBox( 0, szMessage, "Error", MB_ICONERROR );
return true;
add_log( "
  • ---------- Session started ---------- " );
    add_log( "
  • ReadProcessMemory only ESP by aVitamin" );
    add_log( "
  • waiting for Couter-Strike Source" );
    while( !( GameWindow.hWindow = FindWindow( NULL, "Counter-Strike Source" ) ) )

    SetForegroundWindow( GameWindow.hWindow );

    while( !( GetForegroundWindow() == GameWindow.hWindow ) )

    while( !( GameWindow.hDC = /*GetDC(0)*/GetWindowDC( GameWindow.hWindow ) ) )

    add_log( "
  • Counter-Strike Source has been found" );

    GetWindowThreadProcessId( GameWindow.hWindow, &dwPID );

    add_log( "
  • PID: %u", dwPID );

    while( !( hProcess = OpenProcess( PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, false, dwPID ) ) )

    add_log( "
  • Opened process" );

    while( !( dwEngine_DLL = GetModuleBaseExtern( dwPID, "engine" ) ) )
    add_log( "
  • engine.dll [0x%.8X]", dwEngine_DLL );

    while( ! ( dwClient_DLL = GetModuleBaseExtern( dwPID, "client" ) ) )
    add_log( "
  • client.dll [0x%.8X]", dwClient_DLL );

    //m_EntPtrArray = 0x243CD17C
    m_EntPtrArray = ( dwClient_DLL + 0x3CD17C );

    //not needed yet
    while( !( dwVGUIMatSurface_DLL = GetModuleBaseExtern( dwPID, "vguimatsurface" ) ) )
    add_log( "
  • vguimatsurface.dll [0x%.8X]", dwVGUIMatSurface_DLL );

    dwLocalViewangles = ( dwEngine_DLL + 0x3943D0 );
    add_log( "
  • Local viewangles [0x%.8X]", dwLocalViewangles );

    //same here
    dwCmdViewangles = ( dwEngine_DLL+ 0x3FB344 );
    add_log( "
  • cmd->viewangles [0x%.8X]", dwCmdViewangles );

    dwScreenSize = ( dwEngine_DLL+ 0x5357C8 );
    ReadProcessMemory( hProcess, (PVOID)( dwEngine_DLL + 0x5357C8 ), &GameWindow.m_iSize, 8, NULL );
    add_log( "
  • Windowwidth: %u Windowheight: %u", GameWindow.m_iSize[0], GameWindow.m_iSize[1] );

    CreateThread( 0, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)ESP, 0, 0, 0 );

    while( FindWindow( NULL, "Counter-Strike Source" ) )

    add_log( "
  • Counter-Strike Source closed..." );
    add_log( "
  • ---------- Session ended ---------- " );

    return true;

    // Global Functions:
    //credits to ~burN
    DWORD GetModuleBaseExtern( DWORD dwPID, char* szModuleName )
    MODULEENTRY32 me32;

    hModuleSnap = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot( TH32CS_SNAPMODULE, dwPID );
    if ( hModuleSnap == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
    return 0x0;

    me32.dwSize = sizeof( MODULEENTRY32 );

    if ( !Module32First( hModuleSnap, &me32 ) )
    CloseHandle( hModuleSnap );
    return 0x0;
    if ( strstr( me32.szModule, szModuleName ) )
    CloseHandle( hModuleSnap );
    return (DWORD)me32.modBaseAddr;
    while( Module32Next( hModuleSnap, &me32 ) );

    CloseHandle( hModuleSnap );
    return 0x0;

    /*int GetLocalPlayer( void )
    ReadProcessMemory( hProcess, (PVOID)( dwEngine_DLL + 0x38FAF0 ), &LocalPlayer.m_iIndex, 4, NULL );
    LocalPlayer.m_iIndex += 2;
    return LocalPlayer.m_iIndex;

    bool InGame( void )
    ReadProcessMemory( hProcess, (PVOID)( dwEngine_DLL + 0x38FA80 ), &Game.m_bInGame, 4, NULL );

    if( Game.m_bInGame == 6 )
    Game.m_bInGame = 1;
    return true;

    Game.m_bInGame = 0;
    return false;

    DWORD GetClientEntity( int index )
    DWORD dwClientEntity = 0x0;
    ReadProcessMemory( hProcess, (PVOID)( m_EntPtrArray + ( index * 0x8 ) ), &dwClientEntity, 4, NULL );
    dwClientEntity -=0x8;
    return dwClientEntity;

    float GetDistance( float *origin )
    float diff[3] = { gLocalPlayer.GetAbsOrigin()[0] - origin[0], gLocalPlayer.GetAbsOrigin()[1] - origin[1], gLocalPlayer.GetAbsOrigin()[2] - origin[2] };
    return (float)( sqrt( ( diff[0] * diff[0] ) + ( diff[1] * diff[1] ) + ( diff[2] * diff[2] ) ) );

    void AngleVectors( const vec3_t angles, vec3_t forward,
                            vec3_t right,  vec3_t up ) {
    float angle;
    static float sp, sy, cp, cy;

    angle = angles[0] * ( M_PI / 180 );
    sp = sin( angle );
    cp = cos( angle );

    angle = angles[1] * ( M_PI / 180 );
    sy = sin( angle );
    cy = cos( angle );

    if( forward ) {
    forward[0] = cp*cy;
    forward[1] = cp*sy;
    forward[2] = -sp;
    if( right || up ) {
    static float sr, cr;

    angle = angles[2] * ( M_PI / 180 );
    sr = sin( angle );
    cr = cos( angle );

    if( right ) {
    right[0] = -1*sr*sp*cy+-1*cr*-sy;
    right[1] = -1*sr*sp*sy+-1*cr*cy;
    right[2] = -1*sr*cp;
    if( up ) {
    up[0] = cr*sp*cy+-sr*-sy;
    up[1] = cr*sp*sy+-sr*cy;
    up[2] = cr*cp;

    int iWindowSizeDifference[2];
    void UpdateWindowInfo( void )
    ReadProcessMemory( hProcess, (PVOID)dwScreenSize, &GameWindow.m_iResolution, 8, NULL );
    GameWindow.m_iDisplayCenter[0] = GameWindow.m_iResolution[0]/2;
    GameWindow.m_iDisplayCenter[1] = GameWindow.m_iResolution[1]/2;
    g_iDisplayCenter[0] = GameWindow.m_iDisplayCenter[0];
    g_iDisplayCenter[1] = GameWindow.m_iDisplayCenter[1];
    GetWindowRect( GameWindow.hWindow, &GameWindow.m_Rect );
    GameWindow.m_iSize[0] = GameWindow.m_Rect.right - GameWindow.m_Rect.left;
    GameWindow.m_iSize[1] = GameWindow.m_Rect.bottom - GameWindow.m_Rect.top;

    iWindowSizeDifference[0] = GameWindow.m_iSize[0] - GameWindow.m_iResolution[0];
    iWindowSizeDifference[1] = GameWindow.m_iSize[1] - GameWindow.m_iResolution[1];

    g_iBorderWidth = ( iWindowSizeDifference[0] / 2 );

    g_iCaptionHeight = GameWindow.m_iCaptionHeight = ( GameWindow.m_iSize[1] - ( iWindowSizeDifference[0] / 2 ) - GameWindow.m_iResolution[1] );

    void ResetPlayers( void )
    for( int i = 0; i < 33; i++ )
    Players.m_vecOrigin[0] = 0;
    Players.m_vecOrigin[1] = 0;
    Players.m_vecOrigin[2] = 0;

    char szHealthEsp[12];
    wchar_t wc_tBuffer[50];//not needed

    float fForward[3];
    float fRight[3];
    float fUp[3];

    bool bPanic = false;
    void ESP( void )

    if( GetAsyncKeyState( VK_F12 )&1 )
    bPanic = !bPanic;

    if( !bPanic && InGame() )
    for( int iIndex = 0; iIndex < 33; iIndex++ )
    if( iIndex == gLocalPlayer.GetIndex() )

    Players[iIndex].m_dwAddress = GetClientEntity( iIndex );

    if( Players[iIndex].m_dwAddress == NULL )

    ReadProcessMemory( hProcess, (PVOID)( Players[iIndex].m_dwAddress + 0x140 ) , &Players[iIndex].m_bDormant, 4, NULL );
    ReadProcessMemory( hProcess, (PVOID)( Players[iIndex].m_dwAddress + 0x42A ) , &Players[iIndex].m_bIsPlayer, 4, NULL );

    if( Players[iIndex].m_bDormant || !Players[iIndex].m_bIsPlayer )

    ReadProcessMemory( hProcess, (PVOID)( Players[iIndex].m_dwAddress + 0x101C ), &Players[iIndex].m_fViewangles, 12, NULL );
    ReadProcessMemory( hProcess, (PVOID)( Players[iIndex].m_dwAddress + 0x29C ) , &Players[iIndex].m_vecOrigin, 12, NULL );
    ReadProcessMemory( hProcess, (PVOID)( Players[iIndex].m_dwAddress + 0x2B4 ) , &Players[iIndex].m_fFlags, 4, NULL );
    ReadProcessMemory( hProcess, (PVOID)( Players[iIndex].m_dwAddress + 0x90 ) , &Players[iIndex].m_iTeamNum, 4, NULL );
    ReadProcessMemory( hProcess, (PVOID)( Players[iIndex].m_dwAddress + 0x0DA4 ) , &Players[iIndex].m_iHealth, 4, NULL );
    ReadProcessMemory( hProcess, (PVOID)( Players[iIndex].m_dwAddress + 0x87 ) , &Players[iIndex].m_lifeState, 4, NULL );

    if( !Players[iIndex].m_iTeamNum || /*Players[iIndex].m_iHealth < 0 || Players[iIndex].m_iHealth > 100 ||*/ Players[iIndex].m_lifeState || !Players[iIndex].m_vecOrigin[0] && !Players[iIndex].m_vecOrigin[1] && !Players[iIndex].m_vecOrigin[2] )

    if( Players[iIndex].m_iTeamNum == 2 )
    Players[iIndex].m_clrTeamColor = RGB( 255, 0, 0 );
    else if( Players[iIndex].m_iTeamNum == 3 )
    Players[iIndex].m_clrTeamColor = RGB( 0, 0, 255 );
    Players[iIndex].m_clrTeamColor = RGB( 255, 255, 255 );

    if( Players[iIndex].m_fFlags &FL_DUCKING )
    Players[iIndex].m_vecOrigin[2] -= 35;
    Players[iIndex].m_vecOrigin[2] -= 25;
    if( CalculateScreen( Players[iIndex].m_vecOrigin, gLocalPlayer.GetAbsOrigin(), gLocalPlayer.GetViewAngles(), gLocalPlayer.GetFOV(), 25, Players[iIndex].m_f2DCoordinates ) )
    sprintf( szHealthEsp, "- %u -", Players[iIndex].m_iHealth );
    DrawString( GameWindow.hDC, Players[iIndex].m_f2DCoordinates[0], Players[iIndex].m_f2DCoordinates[1] + 12, GetRValue(Players[iIndex].m_clrTeamColor), GetGValue(Players[iIndex].m_clrTeamColor), GetBValue(Players[iIndex].m_clrTeamColor), szHealthEsp, true );
    DrawBox( GameWindow.hDC, Players[iIndex].m_f2DCoordinates[0], Players[iIndex].m_f2DCoordinates[1], GetRValue(Players[iIndex].m_clrTeamColor), GetGValue(Players[iIndex].m_clrTeamColor), GetBValue(Players[iIndex].m_clrTeamColor), 24, 2 );
    if( Players[iIndex].m_fFlags &FL_DUCKING )
    Players[iIndex].m_vecOrigin[2] += 35;
    Players[iIndex].m_vecOrigin[2] += 25;

    AngleVectors( Players[iIndex].m_fViewangles, fForward, fRight, fUp );
    Players[iIndex].m_vecOrigin[0] += fForward[0] * 8;
    Players[iIndex].m_vecOrigin[1] += fForward[1] * 8;
    Players[iIndex].m_vecOrigin[2] += fForward[2] * 8;
    Players[iIndex].m_vecOrigin[0] += fRight[0] * 2;
    Players[iIndex].m_vecOrigin[1] += fRight[1] * 2;
    Players[iIndex].m_vecOrigin[2] += fRight[2] * 2;
    if( CalculateScreen( Players[iIndex].m_vecOrigin, gLocalPlayer.GetAbsOrigin(), gLocalPlayer.GetViewAngles(), gLocalPlayer.GetFOV(), 4, Players[iIndex].m_f2DCoordinates ) )
    DrawBox( GameWindow.hDC, Players[iIndex].m_f2DCoordinates[0], Players[iIndex].m_f2DCoordinates[1], 0, 255, 0, 2, 2 );

    //credits to xgx
    void DrawBox(HDC context, int x, int y, int r, int g, int b, int size, int thickness)
    HBRUSH handle_brush;
    LOGBRUSH log_brush;

    log_brush.lbStyle = BS_NULL;

    handle_brush = CreateBrushIndirect( &log_brush );
    SelectObject( context, handle_brush );

    HPEN pen;
    pen = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, thickness, RGB( r, g, b ) );
    SelectObject( context, pen );

    Rectangle( context, x - size/2, y - size/2, x + size/2, y + size/2 );

    DeleteObject( pen );

    void DrawString(HDC context, int x, int y, int r, int g, int b, char* text, bool center)
    HFONT font;
    font = CreateFont(
    14,               // height of font
    0,                // average character width
    0,           // angle of escapement
    0,          // base-line orientation angle
    /*FW_MEDIUM*/800,              // font weight
    0,           // italic attribute option
    0,        // underline attribute option
    0,        // strikeout attribute option
    ANSI_CHARSET,          // character set identifier
    OUT_OUTLINE_PRECIS,  // output precision
    CLIP_STROKE_PRECIS,    // clipping precision
    ANTIALIASED_QUALITY,          // output quality
    VARIABLE_PITCH|FF_SWISS,   // pitch and family
    "Arial"           // typeface name





