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ExtropyTD v1.5

  • Kategorie: Other FPS Games
  • Entwickler:
  • Hochgeladen von: System
  • Hinzugefügt am:
  • System: Windows
Download (1.71 MB)

VirusTotal Ergebnis: 0/55



- Silent Aim
- 2 Aim Keys (Rebindable)
- Aim Angle Adjustment

- Name ESP
- Box ESP
- Weapon Type ESP
- Show Civs
- Show Vendors
- Show Friendlies
- Show Division Tech
- Division Tech Distance Adjustment
- Get Trumped
- Crosshair World Position

- Infinite Ammo
- No Recoil
- No Reload
- No Spread
- RPM Mod
- RPM Value Adjustment
- No Clip
- No Clip Speed Adjustment
- Movement Speed Adjustment
- Teleport to Crosshair World Position
- Division Tech List (Teleport to a specific one)
- Division Tech Farm
- Rebind Farm Key
- Save Current Position
- Teleport to Saved Position
- Anti-Death (toggleable)
- Health Limit (for anti-death)
- All keys rebindable

- Player Info
- Weapon Info
- Misc Info

- Delete (Resets binds)
- Numpad 7 (Opens the menu)
- Numpad 8 (Disables the mouse but keeps the menu displayed)
- Numpad Divide (Saves current position)
- Numpad Multiply (Teleports to saved position)
- Numpad Subtract (Farm Div Tech, recommend you go to divtech 1 first)
- Mouse Forward (Tele Key)
- Left Mouse and Mouse Back (Aim Key - Aims at Hostile NPCs and Seeker Mines)

Gamepad Keys:
- Left Trigger Silent Aim
- Right Trigger Silent Aim
- (-1) denotes an unbinded gamepad key.
- All keys mentioned can be bound to gamepad

- ExtropyTD.yaml will appear in The Division game folder. Any changes to a setting within the menu will be automatically applied to the yaml file.
- If you dun goof'd just delete the .yaml file and your settings will reset on restart.

- I think this deserves it's own mention as people will probably complain about it.
- Firstly you will see a notification in the middle of the screen stating that anti-fall is active once you've teleported.
- When you teleport to a location (excluding crosshair teleport) anti-fall will automatically be enabled. All you need to do is press the same key again to disable it.

- Save a location using the default binded key numpad /
- Set a health limit (maxed to half your max health)
- Toggle using numpad 9 (or whichever key you've bound it to)
- The effect is essentially to teleport you out of danger when your health hits the value you've set in Health Limit so you have the ability to recover.

How to rebind, just highlight the Key options and press whatever key you want. Same applies to gamepad users, highlight the key option and press whichever key you want.

- Disable/Uninstall all 3rd party overlays before using this.
- Open the cheats menu when you're in the games pause menu, the WndProc hook prevents input from being sent to the game when the menu is open.
- You need to press Escape to bring up the game's menu in order to actually use the mouse.
- Must be running Windowed Fullscreen/Windowed Mode
- Compiled under VS2015 with v120 compiler (should be compatible with all versions of Windows)
- I won't take feature requests. (stop asking for player aimbot)
- I'd also like it that this release stay on UC. If you could do that, tops. Or atleast have the courtesy to get my name and the cheats title correct, or did you go full retard.
- If you get errors then download Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013
- May need to install DirectX SDK (June 2010) or the Redistributables.
- If you're having problems with the menu, please make sure Numlock is on and that you see the spinning laughing man icon in the bottom right as it notifies you the mouse is active.
As mentioned previously Numpad 8 toggles whether to show the mouse but keep the menu open. The only way to interact with the menu is to go into the pause or chat menus.

Black Screen Issues:
gabriouchka97 managed to solve this issue by restoring his NVIDIA graphics settings in the NVIDIA Control Panel (I assume Restore Defaults in the top right corner under Manage 3D Settings).
So if this is what you're experiencing then backup your setting and attempt this. And for the millionth time, make sure you've got Full Screen Windowed Mode/Windowed Mode set after you've done this.

Download ExtropyTD v1.5
German: Servus, ich habe ein Problem mit der Datei, das injizieren funktioniert tadellos, aber wenn ich nun zum Spiel zurückkehre sehe ich nur schwarz das Spiel reagiert noch aber es steht nicht an erster Stelle, also wie bekomme ich es hin, dass dieses Programm im Hintergrund läuft und nur die Funktionen durchlässt, Informationen: Windows Transparenz ist aktiviert, die Nvidia 3D Einstellungen sind auf Standart, das Spiel läuft im Fenster,Vollbild Modus, hat jemand eine Idee wie ich wieder zocken kann? Habe die Version 2.4 installiert und benutze den extreme Injektor v3.

 Hello, I have a problem with the file injecting works perfectly, but when I return to the game I see only black the game is still responding but it is not in the first place, so how do I get it, that this program runs in the background and lets pass only the functions, information: Windows transparency is enabled, the Nvidia 3D settings are on standard, the game is running in the window, full screen mode, does anyone have an idea how to gamble again? Have the version 2.4 installed and use the extreme injector v3.
update pls
it is posible to get a new chet pls. I mean it is one year a go. Thx
Kategorie: Other FPS Games
Entwickler: Extropian

- Silent Aim
- Magic Bullets
- Bone Selection
- Bone Randomization
- Box ESP
- Name ESP
- Weapon Type
- Skeleton
- Direction
- Division Tech ESP
- No Recoil
- No Spread
- No Reload (spam reload key)
- No Clip
- Teleportation (Save/Teleport To/Return To)
- Friend List

Controller Support and Teleportation Lists Removed.

- Magic Bullet messes with world position teleportation.
- BitBlt Screenshot Blocker (check logs for intercepted calls to BitBlt)

- Got problems? Watch kohack's user guide: Um Links zu sehen, musst du dich registrieren


ExtropyTD v2.4
das overlay wird zwar angezeigt aber esp etc funktioniert nicht!
Kann man jemand ne Deutsche anleitung machen?
Kategorie: Other FPS Games
Entwickler: Extropian

- Silent Aim
- Magic Bullets
- Bone Selection
- Bone Randomization
- Box ESP
- Name ESP
- Weapon Type
- Skeleton
- Direction
- Division Tech ESP
- No Recoil
- No Spread
- No Reload (spam reload key)
- No Clip
- Teleportation (Save/Teleport To/Return To)
- Friend List

Controller Support and Teleportation Lists Removed.

NOTE: Magic Bullet messes with world position teleportation.


ExtropyTD v2.3.2
Kategorie: Other FPS Games
Entwickler: Extropian

- Silent Aim
- Magic Bullets
- Bone Selection
- Bone Randomization
- Box ESP
- Name ESP
- Weapon Type
- Skeleton
- Direction
- Division Tech ESP
- No Recoil
- No Spread
- No Reload (spam reload key)
- No Clip
- Teleportation (Save/Teleport To/Return To)
- Friend List

Controller Support and Teleportation Lists Removed.

The Division ExtropyTD v2.3.1
Can anyone tell me why my game wont start ?