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Grand Theft Auto V

Jordan Menu 1.8

Jordan Menu 1.8

MENU GUIDE To change the default settings, edit JordanConfig.txt Open the menu with Numpad * (keyboard) or LB + DPAD Right (controller) If using alt controller open option, open the menu with RB + X Navigate the menu with Numpad 8 2 4 6 or DPAD Select option with Numpad 5 or Controller A Go back with
28. Mai 2016
SimpleNeonAnimation v.1.33

SimpleNeonAnimation v.1.33

nfo: - only works with the sc - version (online v.1.33) - enables neon lights - 'fades' through some neon colors - uses some ingame clock for timing - will reset 'disable' all neon lights once u leave the car or deactivate the animation - written in assembly - only tested in win7 - hotkey 'o' -> trigger
18. Apr 2016
SimpleNeonColor v.1.33

SimpleNeonColor v.1.33

nfo: - only works with the sc - version (online v.1.33) - 'NUM5' toggle neon lights - 'NUM6' change neon color NEON_COLOR_TABLE: dw 00Ah db 0ffh, 000h, 0ffh, "Pink", 0 ;NEON_COLOR_BASE rb 018h db 0ffh, 0DEh, 0DEh, "White", 0 rb 017h db 0ffh, 015h, 002h, "Blue", 0 rb 018h db 0ffh, 053h, 003h, "Electric
18. Apr 2016
Tunables 1.33

Tunables 1.33

This is the cheat table (requires Cheat Engine) for GTA V
6. Apr 2016
GTA V Hack Steam v1.33

GTA V Hack Steam v1.33

NUM_1 : Give you full health. NUM_2 : Give you full armor. NUM_3 : Enable magic bullets which makes your bullets so hard to destroy tanks and vehicles very fast. NUM_4 : Makes your bullets of "rubber" so the players won't take damage from your bullets (this is such a my sh*t features for testing). NUM_5
28. Mär 2016
GTA V Hack v1.33

GTA V Hack v1.33

NUM_1 : Give you full health. NUM_2 : Give you full armor. NUM_3 : Enable magic bullets which makes your bullets so hard to destroy tanks and vehicles very fast. NUM_4 : Makes your bullets of "rubber" so the players won't take damage from your bullets (this is such a my sh*t features for testing). NUM_5
19. Mär 2016
SNC v.1.32

SNC v.1.32

nfo: - only works with the sc - version (online v.1.32) - 'NUM5' toggle neon lights - 'NUM6' change neon color (gta5 color table)
16. Feb 2016
GTA V Hack v1.32

GTA V Hack v1.32

NUM_1 : Give you full health. NUM_2 : Give you full armor. NUM_3 : Enable magic bullets which makes your bullets so hard to destroy tanks and vehicles very fast. NUM_4 : Makes your bullets of "rubber" so the players won't take damage from your bullets (this is such a my sh*t features for testing). NUM_5
5. Feb 2016
GTA V Hack v1.32

GTA V Hack v1.32

NUM_1 : Give you full health. NUM_2 : Give you full armor. NUM_3 : Enable magic bullets which makes your bullets so hard to destroy tanks and vehicles very fast. NUM_4 : Makes your bullets of "rubber" so the players won't take damage from your bullets (this is such a my sh*t features for testing). NUM_5
29. Jan 2016