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100Proof CSGO V1.0

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VirusTotal Ergebnis: 7/45


100Proof CSGO V1.0 Screenshot
100Proof CSGO V1.0 Screenshot


Generic Anti Recoil - uC, monkey6666
Simple Crosshair - uC, 100Proof
Color Based D3D Triggerbot - 100Proof
XQZ Walls - XQZ (1999), [OGC] Xeno (1999), uC
PixelShader Chams - Azorbix , uC, CallMeEclipse, Others (?)
Time Display - Roverturbo , Others (?)
Date Display - Roverturbo , Others (?)
VMTHook (Heavily Modified) - JoshRose , Others (?)
This May Be Updated.......

Everything done in this simple little hook can be found
on Uc Forums with the exception of the color triggerbot
which I done completely myself. I wanted to list the credits
The best I could so users could do simple searches on the
forums to find these things themselves. The credits may
not be complete as most of this has been done over and
over through the years. I been around since 1997 in this
scene, but I can not remember all of the original authors,
so on that note credit is given where credit is due in
conjunction with what I used at the time. After the game
goes open beta (August?) I may go ahead and release
the full cheat with aimbot, extensive esp features, nospread,
and etc. For now I am having my own fun with it This
game is super easy and if you are familiar with the orangebox
engine css, and etc. then this should be simple for you. Not
much has changed at all.

Use your own loader to inject!
This can be injected anytime before or after the game is running.


Insert Key - Opens Menu
Corresponding Number Keys Are Listed Next To Each Option

Download 100Proof CSGO V1.0