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Battlefield Hereos

bf heroes 1.26 hook 1.1

bf heroes 1.26 hook 1.1

Simple hook for bfheroes 1.26 with name esp, health esp, kit esp(to finisch), ping esp. PunkBuster undetected. PunkBuster screenshot blocker. The cheat work only for windows xp , i tested it with windows xp professional 32bit , the cheat will not work with vista/ windows 7, i will update the cheat as
25. Jun 2010
Battlefield Heroes - Undetected Directx Hook

Battlefield Heroes - Undetected Directx Hook

THIS IS ONLY SOURCECODE! This is a dulled down version of my private BF:H heroes hack without all the counter pb stuff.. This is 100% undetected as of today.. Source includes vtable dx9 hook and can easily be made into a chams hack or whatever you wish using the public model rec's and classes on this
2. Jun 2010
UnKnoWnHack v3.6.4

UnKnoWnHack v3.6.4

Features: Clickable Menu Time and FPS added to Menu Autoaim + prediction Autoshoot Autoswitch - Don't have to lift the aimkey to switch targets AimKey Modification Aimbone Modification (Head or Chest) Aim Only Visible - Shoot only players that are not behind walls Aim Only Visible - Shoot only players
24. Mai 2010
UnKnoWnHack v3.6.3

UnKnoWnHack v3.6.3

Features: Clickable Menu Time and FPS added to Menu Autoaim + prediction Autoshoot Autoswitch - Don't have to lift the aimkey to switch targets AimKey Modification Aimbone Modification (Head or Chest) Aim Only Visible - Shoot only players that are not behind walls Aim Only Visible - Shoot only players
21. Mai 2010
Client-Side Name Changer v2

Client-Side Name Changer v2

Here is the client-side name changer as requested. Usage: Inject the dll into BFHeroes.exe at any time with any injector (Winject, stealth injector, sinject, etc.)... Join any server and when you want to change anyone's name, just press F12 and an input box will appear asking you which player's name
7. Mai 2010
UnKnoWnHack v3.5.1

UnKnoWnHack v3.5.1

This is an updated release working for v1.22.208864.0 of BFH. This hack is undetected because PunkBuster continues on their epic fail rampage. Features: Clickable Menu Time and FPS added to Menu Autoaim + prediction Autoshoot Autoswitch - Don't have to lift the aimkey to switch targets AimKey Modification
29. Apr 2010
UnKnoWnHack v3.5

UnKnoWnHack v3.5

This is an updated release working for v1.21.208583.0 of BFH. This hack is undetected because PunkBuster completely fails at what they try to do. Features: Clickable Menu Time and FPS added to Menu Autoaim + prediction Autoshoot Autoswitch - Don't have to lift the aimkey to switch targets AimKey Modification
25. Apr 2010
UnKnoWnHack v3.4.1

UnKnoWnHack v3.4.1

This is an updated release working for v1.20.208209.0 of BFH. This hack is undetected because PunkBuster completely fails at what they try to do. Features: Clickable Menu Time and FPS added to Menu Autoaim + prediction Autoshoot Autoswitch - Don't have to lift the aimkey to targets AimKey Modification
14. Apr 2010
UnKnoWnHack v3.4 (XP Compatibility)

UnKnoWnHack v3.4 (XP Compatibility)

This is an updated release working for V1.20.208209.0 of BFH. It's undetected using a certain drawing method involving the function that XFire uses to draw in-game. Because of this new implementation, the hack is not compatible with XFire in-game, and if you use XFire, you're going to have to disable
4. Apr 2010
UnKnoWnHack v3.4

UnKnoWnHack v3.4

This is an updated release working for V1.20.208209.0 of BFH. It's undetected using a certain drawing method involving the function that XFire uses to draw in-game. Because of this new implementation, the hack is not compatible with XFire in-game, and if you use XFire, you're going to have to disable
4. Apr 2010