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Americas Army Series

Hookless NoRecoil AA2.8.3

Hookless NoRecoil AA2.8.3

this is just another "Proof Of Concept" release. Features: *no-recoil *perfect accuracy *open-source, feel free to add anything you need
29. Feb 2008
Trundle's PBSS cleaner v1.1

Trundle's PBSS cleaner v1.1

'PB Screenshot cleaner' is a stand-alone PunkBuster screenshot cleaner/spoofer. I coded the core a long time ago as a plugin for my multihack, but, as I have no need for it any more, I threw a simple UI together and here is the public release. You use this at your own risk! PunkBuster will most likely
16. Jun 2008
fkn0 Hack

fkn0 Hack

BoneAim VectorAim WallHack NORECOIL WEAPONIDLE ADMINSAY ESP EnemyESP FriendlyESP AutoReload NoFog NoFlash ShowCrosshair NoCamShake ChangeFOV FireRate AutoFire Keys: BoneAim = NUMPAD1 VectorAim = RIGHT ARROW WallHack = NUMPAD6 NORECOIL = NUMPAD5 WEAPONIDLE = NUMPAD4 ADMINSAY = ASAY ESP = NUMPAD7 EnemyESP
14. Jun 2008
TrixnIce PB Beta

TrixnIce PB Beta

A beta PB-Hack. Use at your own risk! To use, inject into America's Army. Use your own hacks and load them as you would normally. This hack is intended to cause detected cheats to go undetected.
7. Jun 2008
uNrEaL BoT v4 - Public Version

uNrEaL BoT v4 - Public Version

Also, note that this hack does not contain any kind of Punkbuster Screenshot cleaning. Your screenshots will return dirty, unless you have your own screenshot blocker, or have other means of making your screenshots return blank. As always, I am not responsible for any bans you receive using this hack.
30. Mai 2008