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MW3 .NET External ESP v3.9 [1.9.461]

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VirusTotal Ergebnis: 1/46


MW3 .NET External ESP v3.9 [1.9.461] Screenshot


What is .NET External ESP?
It is an External ESP hack that was coded in C# by me. It is designed only for Modern Warfare 3 in windowed mode. You must be running Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8.

Is is detected?
As of now, it is UNDETECTED. As with all hacks you download, use at your own risk. This does not inject or write into the game's memory so there is a lesser chance of it being detected. So far, it's been 6 months and there have been no reports of bans.

What version of MW3 does this work with?
1.9.461 (Steam only, not TeknoMW3 or IW5M)

I got an OpenProcess error?
Look up the error ID Um Links zu sehen, musst du dich registrieren. A common one might be error ID 5 which means you need to run the hack as admin.

How do I use the triggerbot?
By default, the triggerbot is only activated when you hold down the right-mouse button. If you want it to shoot if you just hover your mouse over an enemy instead of holding down the right-mouse button, change this in the config:

TRIGGER_BOT_REQUIRE_BOT_KEY = true // Change it to false

It then presses the H key repeatedly to fire. You need to set your fire key to be Left Mouse and H in the game options.

Of course, if you don't like this and only want to use the Left Mouse button, open config.mw3esp and replace this (it might make shooting buggy):

KEY_TRIGGER_BOT_FIRE_KEY = H // Replace the H with LButton

How do I use the hack?
- Download and extract the attachment to a folder, don't just double click the Launcher!
- (optional) Edit the config file to your liking (config.mw3esp) with Notepad or any text editor.
- Run Launcher.exe and start the game.
- When in game, use the F-buttons to toggle the functions and use right-mouse button or the Home key to use the aimbot.

What OS does this work on?
- Windows Vista
- Windows 7
- Windows 8 (Consumer Preview, Release Preview and RTM/Final)

- Aimbot
- BoxESP (with Turret/Helicopter/Plane support)
- Snaplines
- Distance ESP
- Crosshair
- Radar (with map backgrounds)
- Status/Menu bar
- Configurable settings
- Name tag
- Triggerbot
- VAC countermeasures to make sure this stays undetected.

Download MW3 .NET External ESP v3.9 [1.9.461]
Geht nicht D:
Ich habe windows 10, ist es moglich um ein neue version zu machen?
is working 
display comes up none of the hacks work
i got windows 10 is that why it anit workinG?
Hi man....my english isent the best but ill do my best....so i download this hack and i get this display but i cant turn anything on or of...pls pls pls help me
Doesn't work
--> DETECTED! <--
(Ich mag groß schreiben )
Scheint DETECTED zu Sein ^^