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WarZED V3.0

icon WarZED V3.0 #1

Anmeldungsdatum: Aug 2007

Beiträge: 8646


199 positiv
33 negativ
Update to the new version + some bug fixes.

WarZED V3.X is a WarZ Hook including a mouse menu + console as UI and engine based Player ESP, Item ESP and Zombie ESP.

Also it has a fully customizable D3D crosshair and some frosty nightvision, known from ZedHook.

V3.0 (3.0 because of many many internal updates)
*+Really fixed the 5 minute crash.
*+Fixed Playernames
*+Improved some routines + the menu.
*+Improved the overall performance and stability.
*-Removed BoneESP
*-Removed BoxESP
*+Updated to the latest version.

*+Fixed Crash after 5 minutes playing.

*+Added BoneESP

*+Itemtypes can now be identified by different colors
*+Added Player Actions to be shown below the name.
*+Invalid Items are now 100% shown as "Invalid Item"
*+Added Debugmode to show the ID of Items, if they're invalid
*+Number Variables in the Menu can now be edited by hovering above the button, typing in the number and pressing ENTER.
*+Color Variables (R,G,B) are now shown sideways to spare place.
*+Fixed Console to be usable again.

*+Edited the temporary menu solution to be permanent
*+Fixed/Improved the menu
*+Item ESP will now properly show the correct names
*+Added Option to only disable the nametags of the PlayerESP to make it compatible with the Nametags CT from l0wb1t
*- TAB will no longer be used to open the menu, to navigate thru the menu without problems use ESC

*+Item BoxESP
*+Player BoxESP
*+Zombie BoxESP
*+Save,Load Buttons
*+ESP Max Distance values
*+Temporary fix for the Item ESP bug
*+Mouseinput driven menu
*- Removed the Injection Timer

*- Initial Release

- Player ESP ( Names, Healthbars, Distance-tags )
- Zombie ESP ( Distance )
- Item ESP ( Distance, Name <-- Needs improvements)
- Crosshair ( Fully Customizable )
- Frosty Nightvision
- Mouse Menu
- Screenshot Blocker

You can inject the DLL with any injector you want in the survivor screen or ingame.
Be sure to run the injector as administrator.

- iKasu
- Everett
- l0wb1t
- Lamleial

This Hack does NOT work with Windows XP.
Try running the injector as administrator.
Try running WarZ in windowed mode.
Try injecting the DLL ingame and not in the survivor screen.
Download WarZED V3.0

