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MW3 Dedicated server addon +Tut

icon MW3 Dedicated server addon +Tut #1

Anmeldungsdatum: Mär 2010

Beiträge: 220

At last the long-awaited server fix is finally here!
Main page

Notes before downloading/reading:
Some anti-viruses detect this as a virus, but it is known as a false-positive
All bugs should be posted in this thread or sent to me by PM only (see bottom of post)

Plugin API Released!

- Features -

- Console log
Most information is now stored in logs, to fix more of IW's errors!
*It is known information in the logs (ex. kills) are missing and will be addressed in an update.

- All Dvars & Cvars unlocked
Tweak any value now without limits to your preference!

- Custom commands
Four commands were added: cmdlist, dvarlist, and sv_exec.
View avaliable commands with cmdlist and now all of the cvars/dvars with dvarlist, to help customize your server.

sv_exec: acts just as good old exec!
*Note: configuration files must be located in the admin folder.

- Re-size console window
You no longer have to bare with the tiny console window, pick your size!

- CPU/Bandwidth error? No problem!
YOU have the choice to remove this now.
*Note: various tests have not seen server lag issues

- Timed messages
Add custom messages to the server in game

- Server scripts
Control mini-mods and options automatically!
*See example.script for more information

- Control if your server is ranked!
Just set the configuration to your liking [ranked/unranked]

.:Soon-to-come features:.
- A more detailed server log including: kills/deaths, match information, and other various details.



Finally, the actual download:

All files & folders go inside the main server directory.

1. Download & extract .zip
2. Place in server's root foler
3. Customize configuration [See sv_config.ini in the addon folder]
4. Run the server
5. Done

By using my program you agree to keep the credits intact and display them where needed.


Um Links zu sehen, musst du dich registrieren

Nukem [Creator]
agri [Module functions]
R4z8r [Address functions]
CoMPMStR [Command information]



icon #2

Anmeldungsdatum: Mär 2010

Beiträge: 220


Hier werde ich euch erklären wie man ganz einfach addons auf seinen mw3 server instalieren kann.

1. Downloade das Server addon (Erster Post)
2. Kopiere die Dateien und Ordner (addon,Linux Fix, Plugins, d3d9.dll und Read_Before_using.txt) in das Main Verzeichnis deines Server.
3. Lade dir ein X-beliebiges addon Herunder und kopiere es in den "Plugins" Ordner.
4. Nun noch den Server Starten und Fertig

Only Linux:

Wenn ihr einen Linux Server habt kopiert euch die Dateien aus "Linux Fix" in euer main verzeichniss.

Server Plugins:




icon #3

Anmeldungsdatum: Mär 2013

Beiträge: 1

Kann mal jemand das plugin reuppen