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icon External_Crosshair_v3 #1

Anmeldungsdatum: Aug 2007

Beiträge: 8646


199 positiv
33 negativ
I found this utility that adds an external cross hair on your window of choice:
I did not write this and am sharing this for all you who need it, (Badly)
External Crosshair v3
What does it do?
It will display a crosshair over the chosen process or window until you stop it.
What's new:
- Rewritten from scratch and more neater (from coding perspective)
- The crosshair should always in the correct place no matter what computer you use.
- There is a crosshair preview now to see what each crosshair looks like.
- No flicker whatsoever because of a new drawing method (no longer uses SetPixel)
- There's now a process list and window list.
* Choosing a process will only target the process' main window.
* The window list contains ALL windows in your taskbar, not just the main window's of the processes. This means you can easily target a specific window.
- New crosshair designs: Dot and Large Dot.
- You can now select a specific colour using the colour selector.
- You can now adjust the X and Y offset of the crosshair (although you really don't need this)
Can I get banned for this?
Absolutely not, this does not hook, write or read any memory from another process. The only thing it does is display a crosshair on a window.
Does this work on fullscreen games?
No (although I haven't tried), that'd require hooking DirectX which could result in a ban.
.NET Framework 3.5
How do I use this?
- Download and extract the attachment
- Run External Crosshair v3.exe
- Click on Settings and choose a crosshair design, change the colour if you want
- Close the window and click on Process.
- Choose a process to target (only processes with windows will appear), you can also type in the name of a process (it must be on the list). Alternatively, you can click on Window List and choose a specific window.
- Close the window and click Start.
- Enjoy! Click Stop to close/hide the crosshair.
pimvdb and Spazzarama for little snippets of code
Download External_Crosshair_v3


icon #2

Anmeldungsdatum: Mai 2011

Beiträge: 3

Sicher das es Undetectable ist? Ich mein, Punkbuster macht doch ständig Screenshots wenn man Online auf nem PB Server spielt.

Und bei BC2 wurde man auch gebannt, wenn man solche Crosshair Tools verwendet hat.

Siehe hier: http://www.pbbans.com/pbss_evidence/bfbc2/

Also ich würde es lieber nicht Online verwenden. Oder weiß jemand besser bescheid?

icon #3

Anmeldungsdatum: Mai 2011

Beiträge: 3

Edit: ausversehen doppelt gepostet
icon #4

Anmeldungsdatum: Jun 2011

Beiträge: 490


12 positiv
0 negativ
Wie macht Punkbuster denn Screenshots? Also nur vom Gamewindow selbst oder vom ganzen pc Bildschirm? Wenns nur ein screen vom gamewindow ist wird es dadurch nicht detected.

